Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Battle of Salamis and Miltiades
Miltiades biggest contribution was to the battle at Marathon which was considered a significant impact on the Persian wars. It was in the battle at Marathon where he showed both witt and skill against the Persian army. He was considered valuable to the athenians because of his former close relations with the Persian army, which meant he knew there tactics and there ways to which they fought in battle. The Athenians made Miltiades 10th Commander to which each day starting from commander one every commander would be given a chance to be in charge of the army.It was Miltiades who saw the fact that the Persian cavalary wasnt their as an advantage and to which could result in victory if the Athenian army attacked early. So Miltiades convinced Calimuchus the Polemarh to confront the Persian army and give him command. Miltiades battle tactics were both thoughtful and strategic as he used what he had learnt about the Persians against them with both ingenious and thoughful ideas.He made use o f the terrain by placing his army on the top of the hill so that they had the higher ground and the best spot for when they made there way down hill so they were less tired and exhausted. It was said to be Miltiades who convinced the generals not to use their customary tactics of which hoplites (soldiers of greek cities) normally marched in an evenly distributed phanlanx of shields and spears. Miltiades was the one who had this great idea of attacking while the cavalary was not around.He knew that the Persians had there flanks set out that the strongest soldiers where in the middle of th e flank and the weakest on the outer flanks, so Miltiades devised this cunning plan to swap it around for his army. He made the strongest soldiers as the outer flanks and the weakest in the middle, so when it came to the fight the strongest soldiers could encirle the persian flanks and cause them distress and penick.His other contribution in the battle at Marathon tactics was the fact that he knew t he Persians used arrow man. So miltiades had to think of a way to make it as if the Persian arrowman werent much help in inilation at all. This is the tactic i believe that sets him apart from every other commander; he made his army run into battle. as soon as miltiades army was in range of arrows he had them sprint and avoid the arrows, which this plan left the Persians dumbfounded.But as i write how genius he was i know that Munro points out that it was Miltiades who understood the Persian way of doing thins, it was Miltiades who understood his strengths and weaknesses, and Miltiades who proved to be the master of timing, waiting for just the right time to act. Miltiades was seen as the one to seize the best position and knew just when to take the offensive. But I see another person who was of even larger importance to the contribution of the Persian wars and his name is Themistocles.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Hewlett-Packard, Inc Essay
Hewlett-Packard, Inc. has been one of the leading IT Company competing with DELL. Throughout the company history, Hewlett-Packard’s top management team has always sought to ensure that the company stays ahead of its competitors. Though this has been the case, strategic decisions made by the company’s past and present CEOs, especially, Carleton S. Fiorina and Mark V. Hurd may differ as much as they may be similar in some ways. During Carleton S. Fiorina’s tenure, the main focus was on the future and all strategic decisions and investments were made for future growth and stability. This kind of investment was at the expense of any decisions that would ensure growth at the time. Fiorina was the HP CEO from 1999 to 2005 and during her tenure the main causes of loss of revenue and market share were due to the fact that she not only focuses on the future rather than current growth but she made investments that seemed costly to the company at the time but which she believed could bring greater revenue growth in the future. Great opposition from managers and some board members, coupled with the scandal on leaked company information saw the company image delve into the negative causing financial damage to the company. According to Evans-Correia (2005), â€Å"Broderick said HP still faces numerous problems. It continues to lose market share to Dell Inc. and its corporate-computing unit, which includes storage, software and server computers, has remained weak and unable to fend off competition from IBM and EMC Corp. â€Å"The company has good technologies, but their to-market strategy has not been effective. ††Though the merger with Compaq brought increased revenue growth in the future, at the moment the merger was given a go ahead and completed, HP encountered its share of losses that were a little higher than it may have predicted initially and announced publicly. The then CEO, Fiorina, was questioned about these losses and the apparent in-disclosure of these information to the public and board of directors. In his article, Intense Grilling Flusters Fiorina, one of the writers, Burt (2002) reported that â€Å"Just as he had done yesterday, Hewlett attorney Stephen Neal repeatedly grilled the chief executive about internal financial reports that predicted larger revenue losses for 2003 than HP projected in publicly issued statements. †Increasing counterfeit products could also be seen as one of the setbacks that cost HP its revenue, image as well as market share. While the merger with Compaq brought H-P an added competitive edge in the computer hardware manufacture, the acquisition of EDS, an HP Company will now see H-P attain a competitive edge in the IT Services sector. This means that both ventures are almost equally important to H-P in maintaining leadership in the IT industry. The Compaq merger/acquisition was aimed at gaining HP footing in the computer hardware industry while the acquisition of EDS was strategically targeted at giving the company the competitive edge in IT services and customer care. While HP was mainly focused on the sale of printers, expansion to the computer hardware would prove strategic at the time the merger with Compaq was initiated. The moment EDS came on board, expansion and enhancement of the HP outsourcing service delivery was realized. During ex-CEO Fiorina’s tenure, the main strategic choices that were made were aimed at cost cutting and investment in the future with new ventures. While Fiorina focused on new ventures and expansion of the business part of the company, Hurd focused on expansion, growth and retention of employees and enhancement of customer service and support. Fiorina was more focused on sales, high profits and numbers at all costs while Hurd focused on the company tradition of focusing on the employees as well as growth and expansion. While Fiorina went to on to cut jobs so as to cut on costs, Hurd took on a new stand by focusing mainly on all that could be done to maintain the best workers and staff retention as well as customer satisfaction. As stated by Hurd and Lesjak in the HP Annual Report (2008), â€Å"The addition of EDS further expands HP’s comprehensive, strategically assembled portfolio that provides unparalleled capabilities for delivering end-to-end solutions. More importantly, EDS adds a world-class, globally scaled services capability to HP’s established leadership in hardware and management software. †Since inception, the company has proven to be a greater competitor and leading in innovation and customer satisfaction.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Readers Response to Writing Badly Essay
In his essay, â€Å"The Importance of Writing Badly,†Bruce Ballenger encourages students to write freely and to not worry about finding the â€Å"perfect way of saying it.†I feel by saying this he means to not worry about what you’re writing and it may not necessarily be perfect, but that you write what you are thinking and continue writing even if it’s bad or may not make sense. He means to put all your thoughts down on paper and start from there. Ballenger gives his students permission to write badly. He expresses that â€Å"when the writing stops, so does the thinking.†He also states that he is far more interested in encouraging thinking than error-free sentences and concise, clear writing. Do I agree with Bruce Ballenger? I feel that I absolutely agree with him. If you would have asked me in High School if I agreed, I would have said no. My English teacher in High School was much like the teacher Ballenger describes in this essay as Mrs. Oâ⠂¬â„¢Neill. Every paper we had to write had nothing but red pen marks correcting bad sentences. Or as Ballenger put it â€Å"some high priest of good grammar whose angry scribbling occupied the margins of our papers.†She was much more critical of our grammar and punctuation then what we were writing. This was very discouraging to me and a lot of my fellow classmates. I then became more critical of myself as a writer and how I was writing and not what I was writing. I was paying more attention to other details instead of what I was thinking about writing, which ended up making it very stressful to write. So by the end of my English class, I was fairly decent with grammar. In fact friends and family of mine occasionally have asked me to proof read papers of theirs, and I find myself doing nothing but fixing grammar issues instead of actually reading the paper for the story it is. I agree with Ballenger when he says that clear writing matters and should be demanded, but that it should not be the first thing important when you start writing a paper. You can always go back a nd fix grammar and punctuation issues, but you sometimes may not get your thoughts or ideas back that you were thinking of to be able to express what you wanted to write after lifting the pen from the paper. Before reading the text, just looking at the title I thought this was just going to be about writing bad and not worrying about what you are writing. And really it is, but the text was more than that and made me realize that writing isn’t about how you write; it is more about what you write about. It’s about getting to what you are writing about and the process it takes to get there. More than just writing words down and making sure you use the words correctly. It’s about expressing what you are really thinking about and writing down your thoughts to begin with. I will take Ballenger’s advice because I feel I will have more to say after free writing and brainstorming my topics and by doing that I will have more effective essays. Ballenger ends this es say with â€Å"And what matters in this journey-at least initially-is not what kind of car you’re driving, but where you end up.†I think what Ballenger means by this is that it doesn’t matter how perfect you write. What matters is that you get the ideas you have and the point you are trying to make across in your writing. And in the end having your thoughts down, you will write the paper you are trying to write even if that means that the writing you initially write is not perfect.
Host resistance and immunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Host resistance and immunity - Essay Example In case of any change in their genotypes, both bacteria are able seek food from other sources they have not been able to get their food. This allows these bacteria to keep away from the action of destructive chemicals for instance antibiotics. This can also allow them produce chemicals that shield them from attack by organisms that have the ability of destroying them (Schindler, 2006). Both M. tuberculosis and Escherichia -coli have the small second-messenger molecule called cAMP in them as well as in the macrophage. When cAMP levels are high, it interferes with host indication pathways. However, cAMP levels within Mycobacterium Tuberculosis are many at times higher as compared to Escherichia coli. The high levels of cAMP generate it’s own series of troubles, for instance, with the purpose of the key bacterial cAMP-responsive protein, the cAMP receptor protein (CRP). These proteins manage the expression of a big number of bacterial genes by attaching to cAMP. This, in so doing undergoes allosteric alterations that enable it to attach to a definite DNA motif and as a result, interact with and engage the RNA polymerase-sigma factor complex, hence activate transcription initiation. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, this has to happen against the conditions of extremely high cAMP levels (Qureshi,, 1999). Escherichia coli play a handy role in suppressing the growth of destructive bacteria species by combining appreciable amounts of vitamins. On the other hand, Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades the human immune response by attacking host cells (New York Times, 2012). Mycobacterium tuberculosis does this by creating an intracellular environment when macrophage overwhelms a M. tuberculosis cell. It then prevents the macrophage from combining with a lysosome which contains enzymes, which then crashes foreign bodies and pathogens that attack. It does this by generating some protein which the macrophage produces and
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Response Memo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Response Memo - Case Study Example However, the governors are full time employed in the Corporate secretary. The C.E.O is the senior most corporative Officer in the organization. Generally, he is in charge of managing organizational activities. In this organization, the C.E.O reports directly to the board of Governors (p.33). Additionally, he is charged with the responsibility of maximizing the entity value. He is also the director and the lead decision maker in the organization. On the other hand, he is represents the organization in the outside world. The Chief Finance Officer also a corporate officer directly reports under the C.E.O. His main responsibility in the organization is managing the organization’s financial risks. Additionally, he is responsible for record-keeping and financial planning. Alternatively, he deals with financial reporting especially to higher management. As a chief Operating Officer, I have different responsibilities for my organization and I ensure that I carry out these tasks to the maximum ability so that to have quality output and consequently increase the profit margin for the organization. ID Security develops software used by different organizations and I always make sure that the people operating subordinate to me understand the importance of carrying out their responsibilities effectively to the pleasure of our clients. The advance system that the organization with ensures that the clients not only receive the various biometric systems that we manufacture, but also ensure that we carry out follow up procedures and installations to ensure the effective working of these systems. It is critical to go through the responsibilities of my subordinates for it allows for the understanding of their operations, review their character and abilities and also advise on the best manners through which they can improve in their roles. Salary and the compensation package is however much lower as compared to the C.E.O and the C.O.O. Averagely, a yearly salary stands at
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Research Proposal Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Proposal - Research Paper Example The feasibility includes exploring options of locating the payday loan service in a convenience store that is accessible. The room will have a counter for disbursing funds and maintaining records. Research will include state and local requirements for establishing payday loan service as a sole proprietorship, competitors’ analysis for internal assessment for crafting payday loan service strategies, and a market analysis to study the lending rates and charges in relation to pay loan services in Kansas State. Introduction The writer is the owner/manager of Quick Stop & Go convenience store without gas services. The writer intends to add an additional service as Payday Loan using an extra space available in the store that is a single store not chain store. Above information clearly describes the purpose of accessing payday loan. Yet, there is a need to analyze in which terms payday loan will be helpful for the store as compared to other types of loans and to which extent it will be productive in increasing the profitability of store by efficiently utilizing idle assets of the store. As payday loans have become more popular in recent years. The important feature of the payday loan is that it is readily and easily accessible. Payday loans have many benefits as compared to the other loans. For payday loan, only proof of employment, bank account and income is required and paper work requirements are also very limited. Terms and conditions of payday loans are also fixed like other loans but the borrower can get flexibility according to its need. So, profitability can be increased by using loan according to current situations. Research questions 1. Who are the users of payday loans? 2. Do the payday loans solve their financial problems? 3. What is the eligibility for obtaining a payday loan? 4. Who are the competitors in the market? Purpose statement To promote access to diverse, healthy and comprehensive financial services for households in Kansas. This will be through offering cost-effective loan rates and innovative methods of loan applications for customer convenience. Literature Review What is a payday loan? Payday lending business will provide short terms loans for a maximum period of two weeks, to households who are in need of money or individuals that do not opt for other sources of credit.Caskey and John (2012), define a payday loan service as a loan gotten from a business that is not a bank. These businesses operate under different titles and take postdated checks as collateral. Hodson (2009) describes a payday loan as a short term borrowing where the borrower borrows money at a high interest rate. The borrower writes a postdated personal cheque in the month they wish to borrow including a fee in exchange for cash. The borrower does hold onto the cheques and cashes it on the agreed upon date. How pay day works The borrower visits a lending store and secures cash, which is due in full at the borrower’s next pay day. The borr ower then writes a post dated cheque with the full amount including the fees. Upon maturity of the check, the borrower returns the loan and if he fails to, the lender redeems the cheque.The borrower incurs a bounced cheque fee from his bank plus the cost of
Friday, July 26, 2019
The common causes of crime in the world Research Paper
The common causes of crime in the world - Research Paper Example Every country has a certain common crime amongst its citizens. Most of these crimes result to deaths of either the offenders or the offended, and sometimes, both parties. Research indicates that most victims of crime are the young people. This paper will seek to establish and validate that economy; drug use, TV violence, and a lack of law enforcement are four common causes of crime in the world. In the 1990s, there was a low crime rate in the US compared to other proceeding years. This is attributed to the economic boom during the 1990s decade. This is majorly considered being because of low rate of unemployment and increased per capita income. However, during as economic recession, crime rate has been on the increase all over the world (Martin, 2012). There are many reasons behind the decrease in crime rate during economic prosperity ranging from strong support on the police department and law enforcement agencies to sufficient income among citizens to satisfy their needs. This means that citizens are less likely to involve themselves in crime in pursuit of means for survival, and increased law intervention is likely to caught people with intentions to commit crime due to stable support from financial resources. When there is no enough money to support the crime police unit and the law enforcement agencies, only a few policies and strategies are implemented giving criminals an opportunity to boost their crime activities. When inflation rate is high, people tend to involve themselves in black street market in order to provided cheaper goods. Inflation means high cost of living that many people may not afford put up with forcing them to adopt other means of survival. For example, high house rates may force some people the vacate house and look for cheaper ones that they are able to pay rent without much struggle (Hamm, 2007). The vacated houses may stay
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Viruses of the Mind by Richard Dawkins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Viruses of the Mind by Richard Dawkins - Essay Example Religion does not have much to do with reason. Religion imposes a reality rife with belief and faith, and without requiring reason (it is interesting that the very few people who claim that they can converse with god are labeled as quacks or insane by the very ones who believe in god). Religion does have much to do with the pressure of conformity; this, among other reasons, is why most people unquestioningly accept and adhere to the religion of their youth. As Dawkins states, " is a telling fact that, the world over, the vast majority of children follow the religion of their parents rather than any of the other available religions." According to Dawkins, a person exhibits faith when he is "impelled by some deep, inner conviction that something is true, or right, or virtuous: a conviction that doesn't seem to owe anything to evidence or reason, but which, nevertheless, he feels as totally compelling and convincing." and that most religions "make a positive virtue of faith's being strong and unshakable, in spite of not being based upon evidence.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Why It Is Important to Criminalize Possession of Cigarettes Research Paper
Why It Is Important to Criminalize Possession of Cigarettes - Research Paper Example Cigarettes were mass produced and advertisements were set up in every city. Cigarettes became incredibly popular. For much of this time, and certainly, in the late 20th century, cigarette companies became aware that their product was extremely dangerous and was causing cancer. They hid these facts from everyone. At the same time, independent medical practitioners were saying the same thing based on experience with their patients. It did not take a rocket scientist to realize that people could die from smoke inhalation. And yet the cigarette companies kept selling their products and deceiving the public. Cigarettes should have been banned then and there. Politicians should have stepped up to the plate for the Average Joe who w was suffering from cancer. Unfortunately, nothing happened. It is quite sad to see that the government has taken very little interest in an issue that has such a strong and clear ethical dimension. We elect our leader to stand up for what we believe is right. Ho wever, the American government was more interested in throwing people in prison for smoking marijuana than they were for arresting cigarettes executives who had perpetrated a massive, deadly fraud on the American people. This was truly shameful. But it is not too late to change things. Cigarettes should be banned. They are a severe poison and they should not be permitted to be sold in the marketplace. No government should permit companies to poison its people; even less so should companies be allowed to lie to both citizens and the government. Unfortunately, the facts on this matter speak for themselves. Even the scientists hired by these companies indicate that they have lied to the public and to the government about what is really in their product. As one recent news report put it: cigarette scientists had been altering their findings to hide the toxicity of their product: They also found, after obtaining evidence that additives increased toxicity, that tobacco scientists adjusted the protocol for presenting their results in a way that obscured these increases.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Forensics- Organic vs. Inorganic Evidence Research Paper
Forensics- Organic vs. Inorganic Evidence - Research Paper Example The paper will wind up by tracking the significance of organic evidence as it moves through the justice system. According to Goody (2011), forensic evidence can be classified as inorganic or organic depending on the form of proof and its chemical composition. Organic evidence is evidence that contains carbon atoms connected to other carbon atoms. It could be teeth, hair, broken body tissues, blood, saliva, sweat, or semen. Such evidence can be traced to an individual and assist investigators with identifying a culprit. Though, there are exhibits that do not have metal atoms, they can be classified as organic evidence; for example, carbonates ions and cyanide. Inorganic evidence includes all things picked from a crime scene and can be used to connect an individual with that criminal activity. Crime scenes are always characterized with traces and marks from shoes or finger prints (Patrick, 2011). Further, there could be broken glasses, wood, crime weapons, broken utensils, gun residues and soil. Inorganic evidence can be collected physically from a crime scene and presented in a court of law during a court proceeding. Physical evidence contains both inorganic and organic compounds. For example, paint has organic solvents and metals such as zinc and lead, but it is regarded as inorganic evidence (Goody, 2011). Gunshot residue is primarily composed of inorganic materials such as lead and nitrates. Evidences that contain both organic and inorganic compounds are keenly analyzed using different means to arrive at an accurate conclusion. The chief strength of inorganic evidence is that it involves concrete collection of evidence; this eliminates probability of deviation. This evidence can be identified with certainty in a law court, as they include the broken items like utensils, windows and chairs (Henry & Howard, 2000). Further, inorganic evidence is effective in solving criminal cases
Media studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Media studies - Assignment Example However, with the current wave of commercialization, the media use the power they have over the audience to commercialize their services. Personally, I believe commercialization is harming the society instead of making it better. Commercialization has reached the point where the media are competing for audience by delivering top stories and headlines. It is a matter of who has more details regarding the story. Thus, the objective has shifted from informing the public to winning their loyalty through various persuasive techniques. Additionally, celebrities use media to market themselves and generate profits from the publicity (Seeck and Rantanen 8). As a result, these superstars and indeed journalists would go to all lengths to draw the crowd to their camps even if it means disregarding moral and ethical standards of the society. In addition, the media only focus on stories about celebrities, the rich, disasters, and controversies, which give them more viewership (Seeck and Rantanen 8). In turn, the viewer has become an active consumer rather than a mere passive listener by that completing the cycle of commercialization. Though the audience believes that it is a matter of exposure, the truth is that the media controls what they view and the information they are exposed to. Furthermore, commercialization of the media has created information overload because of several online and offline media elements competing for audience (Lecture Notes slide 4). In conclusion, commercialization has created a distraction in the society by promoting immorality and unethical
Monday, July 22, 2019
Use and develop systems that promote communication Essay Example for Free
Use and develop systems that promote communication Essay Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in your own work job role. As an early years practitioner communication within the role is an essential skill required in any setting and is the foundation in which we are able to find out information needed for different purposes. Having an excellent communication scheme allows for a great team and a successful setting, there are many different means to communicate with others, some of these are: Verbal Body language/Non-verbal Sign Pictorial Written Assisted Personal Organisational Formal Informal Public Communication affects everyone within a nursery setting and therefore is a crucial part of managing a nursery. There are many groups of people that we interact with while carrying out our day-to-day duties. All members of staff such directors, managers, teachers, teaching assistants, cleaning staff rely on many different forms of communication to assist with their individual job roles. All job roles come with different responsibilities and without clear and constant communication between them; tasks and team moral will be affected. As a manager there are many techniques and approaches we can apply to ensure that all members of staff are involved and communicated with in the appropriate manner. For example; 5-minute communication meetings each morning, weekly meetings with line managers, team building days, email accounts etc. Children within the nursery, are an essential part of our daily routine and communication with them is of an equal value, however involves a different approach. Read more: Essay on Use Communication Systems to Promote Partnership Working There are many important factors to be taken into consideration when communicating with children; firstly, it should always be age appropriate, taking into account the language we chose and the level of the class. Secondly, what are we trying to achieve from our lesson, and finally, how do we respond to the children trying to communicate to us. These factors or techniques should always be considered throughout our day with the children, with some key examples being; circle time, stories, singing, role-play, messy play etc. Parents of children who com to the nursery, play a huge part within a nursery setting and clear communication with them is vital at all times to development a good partnership. Different techniques and approaches within a nursery setting should be applied to ensure that all parents gain clear and concise communication in the correct way. When dealing with parents on a day to day basis, communicate allows teachers and management to build a good relationship between the children’s nursery and home life, therefore allowing us to put them at ease and help them to understand and be apart of the nursery’s vision and ethos. It is very important to understand that communication does not just involve talking to someone, but about making them feel comfortable to approach a member of staff with any questions, queries or complaints. As management within a nursery it is a requirement to discuss and work closely with all members of staff, parents and children. Therefore it is crucial to have excellent communication skill in order to deal with situations that may involve individuals from outside your nursery. This will assist with the day-to-day running of the nursery, allowing everyone to keep up the high standards. There are many different external personnel groups that a setting will interact with and as a manager ensuring strong communication with them is key. There are various ways of communicating with these groups and again finding the correct approach is paramount. For example; contacting them by telephone, e-mails, setting up meetings within the nursery or at their organisations, reports, recording books etc. 1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within your own job role. While managing a nursery, it is essential that the management build good positive working relationships with everyone they communicate with, having the ability to be able to talk openly, honestly and clearly, creating an atmosphere of trust and respecting the needs of others while interacting with them. Within a nursery the management will take on a vast amount of roles and responsibilities throughout their daily routine, and so should adjust their approach to communicate in different circumstances if and when needed. Changing communication approaches when developing these relationships with others should help deliver the message effectively. Here are some examples of roles which management will undertake: advising, instructing, welcoming, observing, informing etc. Management use a variety of different communication methods (shown above in 1.1) to help with the multiple roles they contend with on a daily basis. There are many reasons to be an effective communicator within a nursery, as this will allow the manager to delegate tasks to others, conduct meetings, deliver presentations, supervise, manage appraisals, report, build a team, negotiate and interview etc. Bearing in mind that being a good and effective communicator is being able to adapt their style to the situation and being able to respond in sensitive and empathetic ways to those who they are communicating with. As well as supporting others to become an effective communicator, they should role model effectively and reflect daily on their own communication skills. 1.3 Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role. Effective communication is paramount to running a successful nursery and the management team should always build strong and positive relationships with the people they may communicate with. If these relationships are not built, communication may become limited and will not be communicated on a meaning full level with the group or individual delivering or receiving the message, which may begin to create conflict between them. It is vital that the group or individual shows respect for one another while being communicated to as this will help keep in the effectiveness of communication. There are several barriers, which may affect clear and effective communication between a group and an individual making communicate ineffective. Ensuring these barriers are solved the management need to find the correct approach to overcome them. Some of the barriers that a nursery may be faced with are listed below. Firstly, the difference in culture, values and language is a major barrier within applying effective communication as this could block any important information getting through to the appropriate person, and therefore affecting the purpose involved. Communicating with the correct language Being aware and knowing the importance of respecting the cultural differences could help the manager, group or individual deliver or receive highly effective communication. ‘By developing a respectful curiosity about the beliefs and practices within all service users’ lives, we are able to communicate in more meaningful ways.’ (Miller 2006). Secondly, negative feeling towards others has a big impact on the way communication is delivered or received. As a human being, liking and getting along with everyone is not expected and during a working nursery environment interacting with this barrier is incredibly common. Part of negative feelings can also be affected by body language when communicating with others, as it can be shown easily through actions without speaking. ‘Non-verbal communication can have up to five times the impact on a person’s understanding compared to words. (Argyle 1978). For example, the attitude, appearance and behaviour of the individual show clear signs of negativity. However, working alongside others is a top priority of the managers daily roles and keeping things professional is a major plus when dealing with different situations and is vital to ensure that speech and body language match in order to deliver the message. Finally, a barrier that could challenge effective communication is an inappropriate environment that is being used, could lead to others not understanding the message. Occasionally, the message could be distorted when the environment is too noisy, to hot or cold and crowded etc. Distractions could have another giant impact in the environment as some people may be easily unfocused on the communication given and so could present to the manager poor work. Therefore, ensuring that the nature of environment is appropriate for the communication being delivered or received is an essential part of effective communicate and a successful nursery. For example, staff meetings are in a large enough area for the number of staff with appropriate seating, temperatures in the area are correct, mobile phones turned off in meetings, quiet area to ensure effective communication etc. 1.4 Implement a strategy to overcome communication barriers. Evaluating and reflecting on previous communication with others supports the management to improve and change their communication strategies if needed, allowing them to identify and take adequate action. For example, within my class, I communicated with a teaching assistant (who is of a different culture) explaining prep work I will need for the following week. She did not understand the content of the things I was asking and so I changed my communication method, writing and drawings examples on paper. In respect to cultural, values and language barriers, (an external barrier) staff training should be given, specifically on all types of communication and different strategies they could use in regards to different situations. Some examples that we use in my nursery are; staff training on using home-school communication books with parents, using their nursery e-mail accounts and checking them daily, having parent teacher meetings, using there teaching assistants effectively- having a meeting with them weekly and communicating with them using written communication if verbal has not been successful. Also training to raise awareness of cultural and religious differences within a nursery. The internal barrier is the body language used when communicating with others; here managers need to be aware of how they present themselves to parents, other members of staff and external services. Reflecting on this each time they are in different situations will allow room to improve in the following situation. ‘Through the development of your self-awareness you can resolve past and current issues and, by doing so, you can improve on your skills in the role of manager’. (Geldard and Geldard 2003). A technique to improve body language as a manager is through ‘SOLER’ (Egan). Use different means of communication to meet different needs. There are a vast amount of communication methods, which need to meet many individual needs, a range of these are verbal, non-verbal, sign, pictorial, written, electronic, assisted, personal, organisational, formal, informal and public. Some of these methods are listed in more detail below. Verbal Communication- During nursery routines verbal communication is used daily, as most staff discover important information this way. However, this is sometimes not enough as verbal communication can also become complicated due to the meaning of words used and how they are perceived between cultures, leading to a possible ineffective form of communication. ‘The words we use alter depending on the situation and the people involved and, because of this, we can never be sure that a word has the same meaning for two people’. (Porritt, 1990). The words managers use are very important and are as equally important as the tone of voice, pitch, volume, rhythm and timing that are included within the conversation as it can affect the way the message is delivered. For example, talking to an adult like they were a child and receiving tuts and sighing back, shows signs that the individual does not feel comfortable with the way they are being spoken to. This is called paralinguistic communication, which allows us to see signs through the individuals sounds that they may reply, for example, sighing, coughing, tutting, yawning etc. Non-Verbal Communication- This form of communication uses different factors that we can see without using any kind of speech or sounds. Below is a table containing examples of the different factors individuals may come across when using non-verbal communication. Facial Expression Our facial expression communicates emotions unless we train ourselves to mask our feelings. Burnard (1996) argues that it is important to be congruent- if you say you are angry while smiling, it gives a confusing mixed message. Eye contact and gaze The way we look into another person’s eyes during conversation is what is known as eye contact. If somebody can hold eye contact through a conversation, it can communicate a level of confidence and willingness to communicate fully. Some of the people we communicate with will have a very low level of eye contact, which might communicate a lack of ease with the conversation or a lack of confidence. It is a good idea to reduce the level of our eye contact to reflect theirs, otherwise it can feel threatening. The appropriateness of maintaining eye contact differs according to culture. Gestures Gestures are movements of your arms and hands that accompany speech. Gestures can help communication, for example, pointing at the direction a person needs to go in can add emphasis to the communication. However too much gesturing can be distracting. Body position, posture and movement. The body position of a client can tell you a lot about how they are feeling- if they are hunched over, with arms and legs crossed, they are probably feeling quite anxious. Rogers (1980) recommends that we relax and it is important not to appear too formal and distant. However if we are too laid back in pour posture, we could appear disinterested. Sitting with our arms and legs can appear closed off and defensive. However, in some circumstances, it may be a good idea to mirror the body posture of the person we are with. Personal space and proximity Two to three feet distance between the chairs is about right for me; however I have noticed that some client’s push their chairs back as soon as they sit down in the prearranged chairs. I assume that space does not feel comfortable to them. People seem to have their own invisible boundaries which change according to who they are interacting with and how comfortable they feel. Porritt (1990) calls it a bubble that surrounds us. Clothes The clothes we choose to wear say a lot about us. Dressing too informally and too formally can alienate us from our clients. Therapeutic touch Touch can be a contentious subject. On the one hand there is evidence of touch having therapeutic benefits; on the other it can be misinterpreted and seen as an invasion of a person’s personal space. Bonham (2004) suggests it may be appropriate and supportive for staff to touch when clients are distressed as it may validate the degree of their suffering. He suggests that appropriate places to touch in this situation are hands, forearms, upper arms and shoulders. (Tina Tilmouth, T. et al., 2011). Sign- Using this form of communication is key to those who have hearing impairments and is made up of many gestures, using mainly hands and arms in different signals to communicate. There are different methods of using sign for communicating these are British sign language (BSL), makaton, which helps support speech and baby sign language, which helps communicate with babies and toddlers who have not yet developed their language skills. Pictorial- With this method, communication is primarily through pictures and drawings to communicate effective messages to others. Pictures and drawings are easy to understand and remember, which is why children are shown them from an early age allowing them to understand different instructions. Written- Within a nursery setting, written communication is used a numerous amount of times throughout daily routines. These can be written reports, notes, and e-mails etc. Written communication allows us to be accurate and keep information up to date, while maintaining clear and effective communication. ‘Written communication should be accurate, in detail, up-to-date non-judgemental and legible so that others are able to read it. We also need to comply with confidentiality guidelines and, as such, all forms of written communication must be kept safely.’ (Donnelly and Neville 2008). Electronic- Several methods of electronic communication that could be used within a nursery setting bearing in mind confidentiality are e-mails, telephone calls, text messaging, web pages, social networking sites, forums and video chats. Some explanations of these methods placed below. 1. E-mails are the most quick and convenient method of electronic communication within a setting as messages can be sent to an address immediately, alerting the receiver that they have a new message waiting. The receiver can then reply as soon as possible therefore a shorter amount of time for response is predicted. Adding attachments and links may also be included in the mail, showing various images, videos, notices, letters etc. As e-mails are passed back and forth to individuals or groups the conversation between them will preferably be saved, therefore information needed in the future can always be received as long as it has not been eased. 2. Telephone calls and text messages are another electronic communication method and can are used vastly within a setting. Telephone calls along with e-mails are one of the biggest communication methods used in any organisation, and can be used both formally and informally. Telephone calls can have disadvantages, however others could be overheard, also the individuals cannot pick up on non-verbal signs shown by the other person. Text messages are easy and informal and can immediately be delivered to one phone or a group of mobile phones, they can also be quicker than a telephone call. A text message could be used instead of a telephone call as it can stop a conversation being overheard. 3. Within a nursery setting, promoting high standards is essential and creating a website could help communicate how excellent the setting is to others. Therefore, another electronic communication method is web pages. Creating a web page for a nursery can help provide others seek information needed about the setting. Web pages can contain different information allowing others to view, for example, text, multi-media files including images, sounds, games etc. Web pages can store this information for a good period of time. 4. Social networking sites have become a main electronic communication method over the last 10 years and are a very popular way to communicate with others. A social networking site is made up of individuals that create a profile and build connections with others by a particular type of interest, such as, ideas, values, trades, fashion etc. A nursery setting may become part of an online social networking site creating a page about the nursery to maintain effective communication with parents, bearing in mind confidentiality at all times. 4.1 Explain the legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and information sharing. Confidentiality and sharing information is information shared from one individual to another or even to a small group, this information is not to be shared with others and is of the up most importance when dealing with staff, parents and children within a nursery setting. Confidentiality permits parents to have a sense of trust in members of the nursery staff. Polices are set out for staff to respect and obey daily throughout there routines however, staff only have the right to know relevant information not all, and if this is breeched serious action could be taken. To ensure all staff members understand the policy on confidentiality, training and appropriate guidance and support should be given when needed. (Beauchamp and Childress 1994), defined ‘Confidentiality as ‘keeping secret’ information given to a person by another. Infringement occurs when that information is disclosed to someone else without the giver’s consent’. Within a nursery setting, all confidential files are kept within a locked cabinet and staff are obliged to keep parent and child information confidential at all times, however confidentiality can be broken when a crime has been committed or when the member of staff believes it is about to, malpractice has occurred, child abuse is suspected, to help prevent suicide, or misconduct has occurred, and only sharing the information to the professionals who need to know. If by law, confidentiality is breeched, then the manager has the right to take disciplinary and/or legal action.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Relationship Of Organization Structure Commerce Essay
The Relationship Of Organization Structure Commerce Essay The purpose of this report understands you about the organization behavior. To that it includes organization structure, cultures, leadership styles, management approaches, and motivational theories to understand you about the organization behavior. For you to understand this terms this report uses Google and Creative Solutions. Google is a international IT based company which provide various kind of information to the world. Larry page and Sergey Brin are the founders of Google Company. Creative Solutions is also IT based company in Sri Lanka. By using this two companies you can understand how they using different organization structure, cultures, leadership styles, management approaches, and motivational theories to understand you about the organization behavior. Task 01 The Relationship of Organization Structure and Organization Culture (, 2012) Section 01 LO1.1 Compare and Contrast Organization Structure and Culture. In ICT Industry, theres lots of companies in the world and in Sri Lanka that doing their operations. They provided many services to the people. Google is one of famous and leading ICT Company in the world. Google is founded by two PhD students in Stanford University, the massive search engine Google officially launched in September of 1998. These two university students develop this Google very fast. The term of Google become officially in 2006, the term pop-up regularly in our normal conversation Just Google it . Newsdays everyone knows about the Google and its the most popular searching engine in the network. Creative Solutions is has assisted international companies with software development, maintenance, support and quality assurance since 1999. By providing a high quality, cost-effective service out of their state of the art Research and development centre in Sri Lanka, they help their clients meet their deadlines and achieve higher level of profitability. An organization structure a consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achieved of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment. And the Organization culture is the collective behavior of humans who are part of an organization and the meanings that the people attach to their actions. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in September 1998. Since then, the company has grown to more than 30.000 employees worldwide with a management team that represents some of the most experienced technology professionals in the industry. Executive Officers Larry Page CEO Eric E.Schmidt Executive Chairmen Sergey Brin Co-Founder Nikesh Arora Senior Vice President And Chief Business Officer David C. Drummond Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer Patrick Pichette Senior Vice President And Senior Financial Officer Senior Leadership Alan Eustace Amit Singhal Andy Rubin Dennis Woodside Jeff Huber Kent Walker Laszlo Bock Rachel Whetstone Salar Kamangar Shone Brown Sridhar Ramaswami Sundar Pichai Susan Wojcicki Urs Hoelzle Vis Gundotra Board of Directors. Larry Page CEO Sergey Brin Co-Founder Eric E.Schidmit L. John Doerr Diane B Greene John L Hennessy Ann Mather Paul S Ottelline K Ram Shriram Shirly L Tilghman And this is the normal structure of the Creative Solutions, In this two organization their organization structure is different to each other. Google is the fourth-most admired company in the United States. Google was also listed as the top company to work for in both 2007 and 2008. Google is a one of most popular organization that many employees like to have jobs there. The main reason for this employee admiration is Googles cross functional organizational structure, which the company maintains though seller leadership and innovative management techniques. And in the Creative Solutions using a functional organization structure. A functional organization structure is best suited as a producer of standardized goods and services at large volume and low cost. The culture in an organization plays a major role in the organization. The culture in an organization helps to attract the best talent available in the industry. Google was the one of few companies that successfully blended technology innovation with strong organization culture. The culture in the Google is very interesting, motivate and attractive. Culture in Creative Solution is same as the Google, but exactly not like that. Because the culture in Creative Solution also is very motivate, interesting and attractive. They using small methods to attract innovative people and good customers. LO1. 2 The Relationship between Organization Culture and Structure (, 2012) (, 2012) The Organization Culture in Organization is a major role. Organizational structure and organizational culture have a dependent relationship with one another. In the business world, management structure determines the behaviors, attitudes, dispositions, and ethics that create the work culture. If a companys organizational structure is strictly hierarchical, with decisions making power centralized at the top, the companys culture will likely reflect a lack of freedom and autonomy at the lower levels. If the companys management structure is decentralized, with shared power and authority at all levels, the culture is likely to be more independent, personalized and accountable. Its really easy to work in that structure. The way company allocates power and authority determines how employees behave. These choices manifest in a companys organizational structure and organizational culture. Most companies use a hierarchical structure that looks like a pyramid. The chief executive or president sits at the very top of pyramid. Other officers directly report to him. In the Google, there organizational structure and organizational culture also connected to one another. There hire people who smart and determined, and they favor ability over experience. Although Googlers share common goals and visions for the company, they hail from all walks of life and speak dozens of language, reflecting the global audience that they serve. And they not at work, Googlers pursue interests ranging from cycling to beekeeping, from Frisbee to foxtrot. They strive to maintain the open culture often associated with startups, in which everyone is a hands-on contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. In their weekly all-hands meetings not to mention over e-mail or in the cafà ©_ Googlers ask questions directly to Larry, Serge and other execs about any number of companys issues. Their officers and cafes are designed to encourage interaction between Googlers within and across teams, and speak conversations about works as well as play. The organizationa l structure is very different because they are made up of many shareholders that have a say in what the company does and turns into. In Creative Solutions, their culture and structure attached to each other. The culture in Creative Solutions is very interesting and very motivate, and they using a functional organizational structure. Its best suited as a producer of standardized goods and services at large volume and low cost. LO2.2 Organizational Theory (, 2012) Organizational theory and management theory is used in many aspects of a working business. Many people strive to adhere to the theory to help them become better at their jobs or more successful in life, although this may lead to them having to sacrifice some of their personal principles in order to succeed. One example of following organizational theory in the financial sector would be an employee or manager who wants to know how to achieve goals by having a set structure to follow. In addition, someone in a Human Resources sector will have to make decisions throughout their working day that will undoubtedly change the structure and practice of a working day for all other employees in the company. If an individual gets so wrapped up in trying to fit the mould of what they interpret their role should be in terms of organizational theory, they may start to neglect other areas of business. In the same way, management theory may also underpin the personal values of some individuals. For instance, they may disagree with a particular rule or regulation that has been introduced by the company, however in order to carry out their job as a manager effectively and professionally, they need to move away from their principles and execute the job. It is difficult to try to execute both management and organizational theories as a psychological contract between the employer and employee still needs to be maintained. This will need to consider how fairly the company is treating the employee and how fairly the employee is treating the company, i.e. are they actually putting 100 percent effort into their work? Any changes to the organization or management in a company, is undoubtedly going to have an effect on all of this. LO2.3 Different Approaches to Management used by Google and Creative Solutions. Google Human behavior approach. This is based on psychology and social psychology. It means management should understand about the human behavior. Management should increasing productivity through motivation and good human relations. In Google they creating friendly, peaceful and relaxed environment for their employees. In Google, their employees highly motivated to their duty well. They maintain a simple and open communication structure. Google has a flat structure that uses cross hierarchical, cross functional teams and they good at decision making. Relationship approach. This means keeping a good cultural relationship. Relationships exist among the external as well as internal environment of the organization. Cooperation among group members is necessary for the achievement of organization objectives. For effective management, efforts should be made for establishing harmony between goals of the organization and the various groups therein. In Google they maintaining with the Laissez- Faire style. This will help to keep to good, strong relationship between employees and the leaders in the Google. Selecting employees approach. In Google, they selected their employees in a special way. They get billions of application in a year. So they are maintaining a good employees selecting system. They are selecting people with good skilled, good personality and with high academic achievements because its easy work with them and its saving Googles money. Creative Solutions Culture approach Creative solutions create a good, friendly and attractive environment for their employees that can work easily. Its always encouraging the employee to do their best and highly motivated. Keeping same leadership style In Creative Solutions they using Democratic Leadership styles, and its help them to encourage their employees to make good decisions and sharing ideas. Interpersonal behavior. Creative Solution always focusing on their employees interpersonal behavior. So that they always selecting, training their employees to make them as good, skill full employees. Section 2 LO2.1 Different Leadership Styles There are different leadership styles in an organization they used to have a successful growth. There are three leadership styles in management, Autocratic Leadership Style Democratic Leadership Style Laissez-Faire Leadership Style In Google they are using Laissez-Faire Leadership Style. The French fraise means leave it be. It describes a leader leave his her colleagues to get on with their works. These types of leadership works for teams in which the individuals are very experienced and skilled self-starters. The Company hired smart engineers, promoted most brilliant into leadership positions and then pretty much left them alone. The reason to do that, they were smart and if they have any problem they figure it out or ask questions if they needed help. Google took time and effort to find out the leadership qualities that are most important in their culture. And in the Creative Solutions, they using the same leadership style in their culture. The effectiveness of this Laissez-Faire Leadership style is final responsibility still lies with the leader. The Laissez Faire leader lets her followers have free reign over the approach, the decision making and basically all aspects in getting the job done. In Creative Solutions they are using democratic leadership style in their structure. Democratic Leadership style, leader will take the final decision, and he/she invites other team members to contribute the decisions-making process. By involving this increase the job satisfaction and also develop the peoples skills, and so motivated to work hard. This style takes more time to take things happen, but the end result is better. LO3.1 -Faced the Technological Breakdown Using Different Leadership Styles Last week theres a huge technological breakdown, and its effect to the whole industry. Because of that most companies in the industry has fallen down in their operations. This technological breakdown not only effect to the industry, its effect to the share market also. And also it effect to the industry in worldwide. In this situation Google is different leadership styles to face this technological breakdown. And Creative Solutions also using different leadership styles to face this technological breakdown. Normally Google is using Laissez-Faire Leadership style in their organization and Creative Solution using Democratic Leadership style in their organization. But in this case its better if they use all three leadership styles, because good leaders use all this three leadership styles to get the best result in their activity. By using all three leadership styles in this case, we can avoid this technological breakdown. In autocratic leadership style leaders tell their employees to what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice from their followers, its better use it is when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are on short time and your employees well motivated. And this is using for only rare occasions. In democratic leadership style, involves leader including one or more employees in the decision making process, it allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make better process. And the leader maintains the final decision. By using all this three types of leadership styles its easy to identify the problem and faced it well, and also its good for the employees motivation. Section 3 LO3.2- Motivational Theory (, 2012) Motivation is a word divided from Latin word movere, meaning to move. Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes, and similar forces. Motivation can be either positive or negative. Its a process that accounts for an individuals intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining an organizational goal. Diagram 01. There are Three Major Motivational Theories in management. Maslows Hierarchy Theory of Needs Aldefers ERG Theory Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory Maslows Hierarchy Theory based on the assumption that there is a hierarchy of five needs within each individual. This Maslows Hierarchy Theory most often display like a pyramid. The lower level in the pyramid, are made for the most basic needs and the complex needs are in the top of the pyramid. Each one of these needs significantly satisfied its drives and forced to the next level. Applying this Maslows Hierarchy Theory to the Creative Solutions, we can identify what are the higher-order needs and what are the lower-level needs and then can find a way to satisfy them. In Aldefers ERG theory, he recatogorized Maslows Hierarchy Theory of Needs into three simple categorized. They are, Existence Needs Relatedness needs Growth Needs Diagram 02 Existence Relatedness Growth Applying this into the Creative Solutions we can identify the most concrete needs and satisfy them. Existence needs are the most concrete needs and after satisfying them we can think about the next level and its automatically jump into the next level. In Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory, there are two kind of factors affect on motivation and they are Hygiene factors and motivators. Hygiene factors determine dissatisfaction and motivators determine satisfaction. Herzbergs theory confirms that only satisfaction can make a good productivity. Applying this to the Creative Solutions they avoid unpleasantness at work and create job satisfaction in the working environment. So its help to made a good service to the customer LO3.3 Motivational Theory for Managers (, 2012) As a motivational theory Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory is suitable for the managers in Creative Solution. Applying this motivational theory to the Creative Solutions, it helps to motivate managers and get the best result from them. There are two factors in Herzberg theory, they are Hygiene Factors Motivational Factors Hygiene factor are those are essential in a work place. If its not entered to the work place, then they lead to the dissatisfaction. These factors describe the job environment/scenario. Hygiene factors include, Pay. Companies Policies and Administrative Policies. Fringe Benefits. Physical Working Conditions. Status. Interpersonal Relations. Job Security. And motivational factors are motivating the employees to the superior performance. Motivational factors are called satisfiers. Motivational factors include, Recognition. Sense of Achievement. Growth and Promotional Activities.. Responsibility. Meaningfulness of the Work. The Two-Factor theory implies that the managers must stress upon guaranteeing the adequacy of the hygiene factors to avoid employee dissatisfaction. Also, the managers must make sure that the work is stimulating and rewarding so that the employees are motivated to work and give their best to the organization. The job must utilize the employees skills and give a good compete to the competitors. Focusing on the motivational factors can improve work-quality. Task 02 HR Manager Presentation in Google Conclusion The purpose of this report understands the organization behavior in the world. It can understand how the organization using different organization structures, cultures, motivational theories and leadership styles. For that this report uses Google and Creative Solutions as the international and local company. So that itll help to understand how these two organizations uses different organization structures, cultures, motivational theories and leadership styles.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Themes of Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt vonnegut and Catch 22 by Joseph Hell
Themes of Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt vonnegut and Catch 22 by Joseph Heller In the books, Slaughter House 5 by Kurt Vonnegut and Catch 22 by Joseph Heller there are many themes that at first don’t appear to be related but once given a closer look have striking similarities. Both books are about one mans experience through World War II, one being a fighter pilot and another being a soldier. Each man is known as an anti-war hero. They do not agree with the war and do not find it appropriate to fight for it. Neither of the two men was the average â€Å"John Wayne†war hero that fights and dies for his country. This is what makes these two books stand out from other war books. Both of these books also were used during the Vietnam War as anti-war books denouncing the war. One major theme that comes up in both of these books is the theme of no free will. In Slaughterhouse 5 Vonnegut proclaims through the narrator that there is no such thing as free will and that all things in life are predestined. That no matter what we chose to do we really aren’t choosing to do it at all and that the choice was already made. In Catch 22 the theme is the same just brought to our attention in a different way. Catch 22 is a paradox, leaving no way of escaping from a dilemma. No matter what we do or say we can’t escape it thus leaving us with no free will. Catch 22 is best described in the book when Yossarian states, You don’t have to fly anymore missions if you’re crazy, but you have to ask first and if you ask than you’re not crazy because anyone that wants to get out of combat is not crazy (Heller 46). The utter simplicity of this â€Å"catch†at one-point makes Yossarian let out a whistle. So in essence both of these characters are plagued with the fact that they have no free will. Billy Pilgrim because everything in life is predestined so he has no say in what goes on and Yossarian because he has to keep flying more missions because of Catch 22. Another major theme that comes across in these books is the anti-war hero. Both main characters are the exact opposite of what we would consider war heroes. Yossarian has no intention of laying down his life for his country and thinks anyone that would is utterly stupid. He many times in the book tries to get out of flying more missions by admitting himself to the hospital although he is not sick and ... the ridiculousness of war. They were written to share with everybody that sometimes it isn’t the soldier who kills the most enemy or the pilot who bombs the most targets that are the heroes of the war but it is those people that stand up and proclaim the utter stupidity of war. The heroes are those who stand up for what they believe is right even if that means disobeying an order. These books were written most of all to share with us that war is wrong and is a waste of valuable lives. They convinced us that all free will and sanity is lost in war and that it can destroy men not just physically but also mentally. I think Heller put it best when he described what Yossarian was going through when his friend was dying in his arms, â€Å"Yossarian was cold, and shivering uncontrollably. He felt goose pimples clacking all over him as he gazed down despondently at the grim secret Snowden had spilled all over the messy floor. It was easy to read the message in his entails. Man was matter, that was Snowden’s secret. Drop him out a window and he will fall. Set fire to him and he will burn. Bury him and he will rot, like other kinds of garbage. The spirit gone, man is garbage
The Rise and Fall of Shakespeares Lady Macbeth :: Macbeth essays
The Rise and Fall of Lady Macbeth          Lady Macbeth's character is one of complexity; slowly, but continuously changing throughout the play. What begins as a struggle for power and a longing to shred her femininity turns Lady Macbeth into what she fears most - a guilt ridden weakling.         In the beginning ( I, v, 43-54) , we see Lady Macbeth reacting to the news of her husbands success and King Duncan's visit. This ignites her lust for power. In the quote â€Å"...unsex me here, / And fill me from the crown to the toe top full/ Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood;.../ Come thick night,/ And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,/ That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,† Lady Macbeth talks of wanting all of the cold blooded aspects of â€Å" manliness†so she can kill King Duncan with no remorse - she sees herself as having these qualities more than her husband, and because of this, in a sense, wishes to shed her womanhood. We can see this ruthless nature more in depth in the quote â€Å"I would, while it was smiling in my face,/ Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,/ and dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you/ Have done to this†(I,vii,56-59) She is obviously a very bitter female, frequently referring to her role as a woman, both physically and emotionally in negative ways. In the above quote, Lady Macbeth is commenting on her husband's lack of gall, stating, that quite frankly, she would make a better man than he.         Although still a very strong woman, we see the first signs of weakness in Lady's Macbeth's character in Act II, Scene ii, 12-13. She says, â€Å"Had he not resembled/ My father as he slept, I had done it.† She is giving an excuse for not killing Duncan herself. As you can plainly see, this is not the same Lady Macbeth that would bash a baby's brains in in the beginning of the play. Throughout the play, Macbeth's character grows stronger as Lady Macbeth's will regresses. It even gets to where Macbeth will not include his wife in his villianous schemes, where at one time, it was Lady Macbeth who was implementing these schemes in his head in the first place. In a sense, the two characters switch roles; Lady Macbeth taking a backseat to her husband almost becoming wallpaper for the rest of the play. The turning point for Lady Macbeth is when she learns of her husband's slaying of Macduff's family.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Theme of Colonialism in Shakespeares Tempest Essay -- colonizatio
The Tempest, by Shakespeare, offers the reader a variety of themes. The one theme that stands out the most is that of colonialism. During the time of Shakespeare, many European countries such as Spain, France, and England, were expanding their borders by taking over less developed countries, referred to as colonies. During this time of exploitation, there was skepticism concerning the possible success of the colonies. While some scholars believe that the play is about the Americas, I argue that the play reflects on colonialism in general and how it is destined for failure which is shown through the character’s relationships throughout the play. During the 1600’s the English decided to have people colonize in the Americas for the potential resources and wealth that they may find. During this time Spain, France, Portugal, and the Dutch have already began trade and exploration in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. England hearing of their riches, didn’t want to miss out of the opportunity. However, during these expeditions, there has been various news beforehand of the strong oceanic storms that would sometimes destroy ships or mislead them from their destinations Such news was not uncommon but due to the storms, many of the people knew the dangers of the journey and would often doubt the success of these explorations. For example, â€Å" In may 1609, nine ships carrying 500 colonists under Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Summers had set sail to America to reinforce the colony at Jamestown. In an unusual storm, Gates and Summers were driven on the Bermudas, before managing to sail to the mainland†(Honan 371 ). News such as this was widespread throughout England and amongst these would be news of the encounters with natives. For example, â€Å"... ... such as slavery and exploitation of nature, and also gives us insight to the speculations that were common in the time of explorations and discovery. Works Cited Cesaire, Aime, Richard Miller and William Shakespeare. A Tempest: Based on Shakespeare‘s The Tempest, Adaptation for a Black Theatre. New York: TCG Translations, 2002. Print Shakespeare, William, Virginia Mason, Vaughan, and Alden T. Vaughan. The Tempest. Arden Shakespeare, 1997. Print. Third Series Smith, Hallet Darius. Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Tempest; A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1969. Print. Honan, Park. Shakespeare: A Life. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Print. Marshall, Tristan. â€Å"The Tempest and the British Imperium in 1611.†The Historical Journal 41.2 (2003): 375-400. Print.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Career Management Week 4 Hrm 531
Career Management Plan HRM 531/ Human Capital Management Career Management Plan Introduction The Career management plan begins with the employee themselves. They are the key to their own success. ‘A career is not something that should be left to chance; instead, in the evolving world of work it should be shaped and managed more by the individual than by the organization. †(Grove, 1999). While it is important for the employee to manage their own career it is equally important for their managers to develop a career management plan to guide them within the organization.The employee may take this information and either develop from it or become stagnant. This paper will discuss different aspects of Career Management such as: feedback, how a manager will help employees reach higher levels of performance, opportunities for advancement to increase skills, flexible opportunities for dual-career parents, adaptation to team diversity and a justification of every member’s ca reer and how they will be handled along with the expected benefits and types of costs. Analysis FeedbackDevelopmental feedback should be given to each employee by their manager or supervisor. Feedback is defined as, â€Å"An employee performance appraisal is a processâ€â€often combining both written and oral elementsâ€â€whereby management evaluates and provides feedback on employee job performance, including steps to improve or redirect activities as needed. †(Cascio, 2006, p 327). Feedback may be both positive and negative. Both should be presented to the employee. If negative feedback is offered the manager should be cautious and sensitive on the presentation of the material.There are different kinds of feedback that should be offered to the employee. The different periods that feedback may be offered in are; after thirty days of starting in the position, immediately as needed in a situation or regularly scheduled. New Employee Each new employee will be evaluated 3 0 days after their first day of working in the position. This feedback will allow the employee to see how they are performing to the job description of the position. It will also give the manager the information on how the employee is performing to the expectations of the position.If redirecting and review needs to take place, this is an important time in the career path of the employee. This sets the foundation for good employee habits. Immediate Feedback In a heightened situation a review and feedback should be done in a timely fashion or immediately as the situation requires. This allows the employee to redirect if necessary and build good work habits. While feedback cannot always be managed so quickly, this is the optimal solution. Immediate feedback should be in the manner of oral and written communication.The supervisor should counsel the employee and speak to the employee with immediate feedback, then follow up with written communication. The employee should then have the abi lity to respond to the supervisor in writing within thirty days. Scheduled feedback Feedback will be given to the employee on a scheduled basis. A review will be done both semi-annually and annually. The format for the semi-annual and annual appraisals will be the same. The goal of each manager will be to provide the employee important information on their performance. The appraisal will be non – biased and informational.The employee should be rated on their individual strengths, including: the quality of their work, knowledge of the job, communication between other members of the organization, work habits, job knowledge and the behaviors and relations with others. The feedback from the appraisal should show how the employee can improve their performance and the tools and resources they have available to improve their performance. After the feedback is presented to the employee in oral and written format, the employee will have thirty days to respond to the feedback.The manag ers or supervisors will then have thirty days to respond to the employees’ feedback. How a manager will help employees reach higher levels of Performance The basis of goal setting and the appraisal and feedback process is to assist the employee to reach higher levels of performance within their current position and to set the stage for future performance and growth. This performance may benefit our company or the employee may leave and take the skill sets they have learned with them.It is the job of the manager to assist the employee to gain higher levels of performance so that they will want to stay with our company. Cascio describes performance as, â€Å"A manager who defines performance ensures that individual employees or teams know what is expected of them, and that they stay focused on effective performance. †(Cascio, 2006, p 329). . How do we as managers accomplish this task? â€Å"By paying careful attention to three key elements: goals, measures, and assessm ent†(Cascio, 2006, p 329). Setting goals for employees sets the expectations that they will work toward.Cascio describes the goal setting process, â€Å"Set specific, challenging goals, for this clarifies precisely what is expected and leads to high levels of performance. On average, studies show, you can expect to improve productivity 10 percent by using goal setting. ’ (Cascio, 2006, p 330). The employees should have realistic and measureable goals. The more defined the goals are the easier they will be understood and be able to be assessed. These goals should align and incorporate the corporate objective of increasing market share and customer based sales. The measures and assessments are part of the appraisal and feedback process.Opportunities for Advancement Opportunities for advancement are largely dependent on the employee and their desire to meet and exceed the goals a manager has set for them. The long term goals for each person vary. It is a managers’ job to realistically discuss what the goals of each employee’s are. Individual goals vary from person to person. One goal for an upcoming salesperson may be to be a Sales Manager within five years. For an older person it may entirely different. Cascio describes an older person’s goal, â€Å"Late careers increasingly are defined in terms of phased retirement.In this new world, the ultimate goal is psychological success, the feeling of pride and personal accomplishment that comes from achieving your most important goals in life, be they achievement, family happiness, inner peace, or something else. †(Cascio, 2006, p 376). Options for Advancement Once individual goals are set, the manager may look at the various options available within the company to meet the needs of the employee. There are a variety of options available to the manager to meet the different goals of an employee. The goals may include upward or lateral moves within the company.To meet the indivi dual goals, training or retraining in different areas may be necessary. The employee may need to be challenged so that they do not become stagnant. The manger may identifying skill sets of the employee and suggest vacancies or positions within the company that would utilize the employees’ strengths to move upward. If the company adds a new market segment, retraining may be offered to current employees. The tuition reimbursement plan of $2000. 00 per employee per year allows the employee to have the company pay for further education at an accredited institution.The focus of the education must align with the employees’ position or future goals. The tuition reimbursement plan is part of the employees’ total compensation package. Other offerings to employees may be established if the manager identifies an unmet need that would benefit many employees. Flexible opportunities for Dual – Career Parents In current studies we see that â€Å"forty five percent of t he workforce is made up of dual- career couples. †(Cascio, 2006, p 379) The dual career couples and parents have presented to be a unique concern in our company.To meet the needs of this group we have offered a variety of opportunities to our employees. Flexible work hours have been established in departments that are not schedule based. Employees may use accrued compensation time to meet family needs. They appreciate work times that may tailored to their family needs. Since beginning this policy, we see that the turnover rate of dual career couples has decreased. Telework from home is allowed for approved employees. When employees are sick or have sick children they work from home, which has reduced company absenteeism.This has allowed employees the flexibility to meet the needs of their families while maintaining productivity. On-site daycare facilities have been established in many of our site locations. This allows parents to spend more time with their children. It has de creased absenteeism of parents. Reviews from parents with children in the company day care facilities have stated that they no longer have to take time off because of private care facilities closing during work days. In many instances productivity has increased because of these measures. The goals of a dual career couple employee may also be unique.The manager should be aware of any special concerns regarding lateral, upward or career relocations this may have for the employee. Adaptation to team diversity and a justification of every member’s career Our company has a combined workforce made up with a very diverse set of employees. There are new graduates directly out of high school and college that have little to no work experience. There are seasoned employees that have been with the company for a number of years. There are individuals from a variety of races that speak many different languages.Our workforce is comprised of nearly equal genders. We are a non-biased company that is utilizing each employee’s strengths. When a unique talent is needed in a specialized market we try to fill the position using the employee’s strong points. Culture differences and fluency in different languages is definitely a plus in our company. An example of the current views on cultures shows that most companies are trying to diversify their workforce. â€Å"We feel it’s important to have employees who represent all walks of life from many diverse cultural backgrounds. (Burden, Octo) We have recently marketed to the Health Care industry in a Spanish speaking region. We have realigned the Spanish speaking sales representative and customer support to these accounts. Productivity and sales have increased three times in the account. Participation in these market segments is voluntary and should be part of the personal goals of the employee. Bonuses and salary increases of five percent will be given to bilingual employees that work in these diverse marke t segments. Bias toward any particular group of people will not be tolerated.Justify the report and the expected benefits and types of costs. The process of appraising, rating and feedback allows for clear and concrete goal setting. The cost of the process and employee offerings far outweighs the cost of doing a mediocre job of employee development and career planning. With concise goals and managers that assist in employee development a strong workforce is being developed within the company. There are many benefits to assisting employees with their career plans. We have a workforce that is staying with the company for longer period of times, more nowledgeable about many departments within the company and more loyal. We have workers that are telecommuting, getting more work done at home than at the office. These are just some of the benefits of career planning. There are also many costs that are avoided with having a stronger workforce. These costs are associated with the lack of em ployee development and career planning. Employee retention and turnover is one of the largest costs to a company. In an industry average we see that employee turnover has a great impact. These calculations will easily reach 150% of the employee’s annual compensation figure. The cost will be significantly higher (200% to 250% of annual compensation) for managerial and sales positions. †(Bliss, May) Retraining employees to work in another department allows them to share and expand their knowledge and eventually make for a stronger company. â€Å"While it is true that sales and other financial statistics determine the success of a company, what most people overlook is the fact that employees are among the most important determinants of the success of a company. (Icles, Apri). Conclusion This paper has shown the process of feedback, how managers may assist employees to reach a higher level of performance, a discussion on lateral and upward advancement, dual – coupl e careers, diversity and the benefits and types of costs of having a career plan. It has been seen that having goals that are derived from an appraisal may start the employee on a career plan. While the employee is ultimately responsible for developing their own career, their manager will play a significant role in modeling the way for that development.Developing a career management plan for employees has associated costs, but we have seen that the benefits outweigh these costs. These benefits are retention of happier, more productive and loyal employees. It appears that career management planning is the way to go for any company. References Bliss, W. G. (May 9, 2010). Cost of Employee Turnover. Retrieved from http://www. isquare. com/turnover. cfm Burden, M. (October 15,2010) Flint Journal – Michigan Business Flourish Because of Bilingual Workers. Retrieved from
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Big Bad Burger
The Brain hobo the Big, Bad Burger class 1 summary Most Ameri brush asides bequeath consume both food regardless of the calories, nutritional evaluate and health related consequences. The Brain derriere the Big, Bad Burger article mentions the importance of development a vocation Intelligence carcass (BIS) which provides them with insights, not unsloped mountains of data (Levison, 2005). Business Intelligence gets its strength from being able-bodied to pull data from disparate sources retentiveness it for use in a in general coupled way, and then pull it off in an accurate and meaningful way.Organizations poop pull data from customer surveys and gross gross revenue reports however, this information is useless without a framework. Jeff Chasney, CKES CIO clarified this point further by stating Theres nothing worse, in my opinion, than a trading intelligence system that reports changes on a weekly basis, he says, because those systems dont provide any mise en scene a s to what occurrenceors atomic number 18 influencing those changes.Without that context, you dont complete whether the data is good or hopeless its just useless (Levison, 2005). BIS gathers information from mixed data points in the company to piss multifaceted contextual statistics for better conclusion devising. For example, BIS table serviceed CKE determine if the Thickburger was actually contributing to increases in gross revenue at restaurants or if it was just cannibalizing sales of other, lesser burgers. CKE Thickburger in fact did increase their sales it was selling standardised gangbusters.The success was measured through a variety of data points including cost of production, median(a) unit volume compargond with other burgers, entireness sales for each of the test stores, and the parcel of that menu item to total sales (Levinson, 2005). The Monster Thickburger exceeded expectations in test market, and this is wherefore CKE decided to roll it out nationwide. Sec tion 2 Summary of Discussion Questions 1. BIS tack values to CKP by focusing on the companys most primary(prenominal) performance indicators which include sales and cost of sale, historical and innovational handicraft trends.BIS uses econometric models to provide context which explains performance. By having this information the company is more(prenominal) agile and responsive to improve making decisions and finding problems areas to correct and sprout unsanded directions in the rapidly changing fast-food manufacture environments. 2. Some current of airs for using BIS is for strategic decisions much(prenominal) as what new products to add to menus, which dishes to finish up and which underperforming stores should be closed. BIS can be use for tactical matters like renegotiating contracts with food suppliers and identifying opportunities to improve inefficient processes.BIS can also help improve the infrastructure of the supply chain. BIS is an analytic tool that helps e xecutives make better decisions. It is important that we pay attention to data persona and integrity to make sure that we are not basing our judgment on nonsensical data. I will also offer devising key performance poetic rhythm (KPIs) that are most relevant to the business to examine the deviations that are causing losings to the operations and locate opportunities areas to grow and take advantage of. One last tip which is very important is to take into tarradiddle users feelings, and address their concerns up front.The success of the BI systems is user acceptance and without user acceptance, companies will waste time and money establishing a Business Intelligence System. 3. The Monster Thickburger was a good idea because it increased sales at restaurants and it narrowed its overall losses and even turned a gain in 2003. As long as you have an idea of what information you are looking for a system can be implemented in commit to find that information and make ace of it. Refe rences Levinson, Meredith. (2005). The Brain Behind the Big, Bad Burger and new(prenominal) Tales of Business Intelligence. CIO Magazine.
My Educational Experience Essay
My education began in initial alumnus in 1974. My state didnt mandate kindergarten, so my parents didnt send me, tied(p) though my br some others and baby went. It wasnt easy for me, because sh full-lengthowtime was the first place I ever got to turn of until nowts with other people, mainly children, as an equal.Before educate started, I was pretty much kept indoors, and non all toldowed to endure contact with other people, except for members of my possess family. Being the youngest, I was looked down upon as creation inferior, a lower socio-economic class citizen, and basically, a sizable joke. During the first 5 yrs of my life, I calculate that was all I was entitled to, and level(p) though I hated it, I sleep withd with it.In first company, I had to interact with other kids for the first time, which wasnt easy. I did take downtually learn that I could be an equal to them, and soon settled down into instill. The character reference of education that first family wasnt bad, I learn a haul and grew a lot during that category. I had great instructors equalwise, who really gave me the help I necessary.Second grade at that tutor was a polar story though, I had a different checker, who wasnt very(prenominal) good, and seldom offered the help I needed. I was in like manner treated like I was lower than the rest of the students. I regularise one overt experience what her problem with me was, further it set me back up a great deal, two academically and emotionally. When I needed help, it wasnt given and I was lots ignored. She mat that it wasnt worth it to help those students who needed it. Fortunately, my parents saw this and intervened, first trying to negotiate, wherefore later on that broke down, transferred me to some other inform.The new school was very different, being more structured than the first, and being a boys school. When I started, I was behind in legion(predicate) ways referable to the problems of my old school, yet I had a dedicated t all(prenominal)er who helped me catch up the best she could in a short time. I remember having difficulties with cursive writing, which my new teacher helped me with, except giving me a crash course in it for a few weeks at recess either day. I did learn it, butnever learned it well, and always got ridiculous marks in penmanship as a result. I preceptort fault her for that because she did the best she could under the circumstances.In other areas, I began to excel, ofttimes being on the mention roll, being whiz of the top students in the class. In fact, my teacher was very surprised at how I had started the school behind, and had caught up and excelled. It was nice to be appreciated, twain at syndicate and school because I did so well, and it really matte good to accomplish something.I encumbranceed at that school for over 2 yrs, and had one day hoped to walk across the stage and grade from on that point. It never happened becau se while I was in ordinal grade, for some unexplained reason, my parents, who had always respected this school, began to contemn it. Among their complaints were I was always doing homework, the school is a playhouse, and they dont do anything, which I designatet they offered few adulterous activities, which was a true statement, but in my opinion, wasnt a problem. On one occasion, I was scour picked on near the khaki uniforms we had to wear, which had been worn by my brothers at different schools with no complaints at all from my parents. They constantly annoyed me knocking everything approximately the school and eventually, I gave in and agreed to go to another school, the selfsame(prenominal) school my child was attending.This new school was totally different from the previous school. It was coed, the classes were larger, and seemed to put academics in lower regard than I was used to. I was besides introduced to the concept of school spirit, the mindless craft following and support of your school regardless of what they do. I also learned that being a boy who was not athletic was a serious glow against me, since they valued football and other sports over everything else. At my other school, we had always had textbooks that were current and up to date. At this new school, the books were frequently old and falling apart, if we were well-fixed enough to get one.During the second and last twelvemonth I was there, fifth grade, I was basically labored to support my sister in her school circuit activities, in order to showschool spirit, something I had no interest in. I was dragged to every unmarried football game, which I didnt enjoy at all, and even worse, my parents often tried to turn over me sycophancy her and aver her how much I enjoyed it, which I didnt. I would rather have stayed home taking it easy, than sitting in the cold stands being blasted with turn over and rain, as we sometimes had to endure. I was also dragged to parades she m arched in, and often had to listen to her complain closely having to do it. My thinking was to exercise a little free entrust and not worry rough it, but was told, its a school activity. She make a filling to play in the band, why not live with the consequences.One other new experience I had there was being used for striver labor. Since I wasnt an athlete, I often spent P.E. periods pick up trash on the grounds, which legion(predicate) times, made me miss afternoon classes. In spite of my parents complaints, this entrust continued. Fortunately, I was taken come forward of that school, not because of my difficulties, but because of the poor teachers my sister was constrained to endure.Sixth grade was my first and only year in Catholic school. What was really strange was we wore khaki uniforms, the same image I had worn only a year and a half earlier, that my receive utter were dreadfully looking. I was also a hard year partially because of the previous spend, which was spent not doing things I liked, but having to go into the swimming pool chance(a) on my sister and mothers command. That summer was so humiliate that I often couldnt look at myself in the mirror, because I felt like a puppet, dancing on my mothers and my sisters strings.That year was difficult because many of the students didnt accept me, because I was a transfer student, and I often felt like less of a person because of the humiliating summer I spent before. I also had a hard time going to my parents, since the previous summer had showed me they didnt really care ab pop come forward how I felt or if I had a problem, but alternatively about forced conformity. It also seemed like my parents had something to prove to this school, which I dont understand. In one instance, I had to write about what I had done that day, and my mother was determined I would put no TV on thatpiece, because she precious to show I didnt watch TV, which wasnt true. She does often lie to get what she want s and even when caught sees no problem with it, but will not corroborate anyone else lying to get their way. At the end of the school year, my mother asked me if I cherished to have a swimming party for my class, to which I responded no. She went to my teacher and set one up anyway, which showed me how little my feelings meant to her. I didnt know how to swim, and had no interest in it, yet she would do anything to force me to swim, enjoy it, and even devote my entire life to it. I candidly believe her goal was to eliminate everything from my life excluding school and swimming, a life I couldnt have survived.Seventh grade was another school I was sent to because of my sister, she was going there so I had to go there. I did not at all fit in, mainly because most of the students in my class had been expelled from other schools, and I hadnt. I also had handless teachers, many of whom were employed there solely, by the atomic number 82s own admission, worked cheap. I was very joyl ess there, not only for these reasons, but because I was discriminated against not only at school, but at home as well.At school, our class was banned from many events, because of a few problem students. That didnt scuffle me much, but I also got discrimination at home. My sister would often brag to people about how I spent my summers as her slave because I had to drop anything I cherished to do when she wanted to swim, and often had other students call me Igor after the crookback assistant in the old horror movies.If I ever said anything derogatory to or about my sister, I would be punished, yet she did all of these things to me, and even admitted to our parents she had done it, but was never punished. In fact, they often said that it was unsurmountable for a girl to be bad, that only boys are bad. The school seemed to preach the same thing, in fact, she was once in a promote and there were no consequences, I was and was punished at school and at home. She should have been puni shed too but instead she was able to brag to my parents and everyone else about fighting, with no consequences.Another incident of discrimination was with my sisters English class and my Math class. We both had to deal with incompetent teachers, who were neither certified nor held degrees. The classes were impossible and we learned little. What our parents did was to go down to the school and clip for her to get special treatment, meaning the principal would teach her personally, while I got cipher. I felt if she got out, why shouldnt I? When I said this, I got no answer, no discussion, other than Thats fair the way it is. Fortunately, I only stayed one year at this school, which was more than enough. However, I wasnt out of the woods, I had to spend another summer of forced swimming with my sister, which again, made my life miserable.Eighth grade was my first and only year in populace school. My mother made numerous promises to me about how it would be better than anything else, but it wasnt. I was basically harassed again, for being a transfer student, and because my voice had changed before everyone elses. A lot of the students constantly grunted at me to make fun of my voice, and nobody would do anything about it. My parents said it had nothing to do with my voice, but instead, was because I act goofy, yet would never explain to me what I did that was so bad. I was very miserable, I didnt know what to do, and suffered day in and day out, and many times, wanted to end my life. What finally brought down my life there was I didnt participate in an nonmandatory project for the knowledge class, and as a result, my science teacher, the only teacher out of six, wouldnt inspire me for a gifted program, something my parents took very hard. Ever since, even now 18 years later, they call me uncooperative. I was also punished for the entire summer, being disallow from TV, music, reading, and any other activity I build pleasurable, being allowed nothing but swim ming when my sister wanted me to because getting in that pool casual will build you up until you are a human being again.My sister in the mean time attended public school, and also refused to activities she didnt want to do. She was downgraded by her English teacher for not doing some optional projects as well but was she punished, or course not. Our parents simply went to the school board, and got her grades changed, from C to A, and was given me as a swimming slave for the summer. Ididnt understand this, she gets a honour for her behavior, and I get punished. I guess my parents dont believe in punishing girls, I dont know.My sister went to college, but I ended up in another questionable Christian school. During my first year, I refused to be put through Freshman Hell Week, in which ranking(prenominal) students are allowed to humiliate freshman for a whole week. To me, that sort of behavior had no business in school, and was far from the strict environment my parents told me i t would be. What added insult to accidental injury that year was when my parents saw the yearbook and pictures of Hell Week, my mother actually said You should have gotten together with them and acted goofy. scratch line Im accused for allegedly playacting goofy, and them Im criticized for not acting goofy. This makes utterly no sense.My high school years werent very happy. My grades were ok, but I didnt like it at all. I was often picked on because I didnt do extracurricular activities, I didnt date, and basically thought there was a orbit beyond football, proms, and cheerleaders.The worst came my junior year, I was turned down for the honor society, and my parents at first, thought it was politics, then turned against me condemning me for having no personality, not being nice enough, participating in no activities, and not being glib, which has been an obsession of theirs ever since. They often condemned me for accept that school grades are based on work, instead of persona lity, something I never understood, since I was nice and didnt make any trouble for anyone. My senior year was uneventful, thank goodness, and I was glad to be out of that place.Many people complain about the ineptitude of our public schools and want vouchers and other initiatives to privatize education. My experiences tell me this will not work. Many of the private schools I went to were no better and even worse than public schools. The public school I attended had textbooks for each student I cant adduce that about a few of the private schools I was associated with. In addition, the excellent school I went to mingled with second and forth grade is now closed, due to lack of enrollment,while the football school continues to stay in operation.My school years were very vexatious for me, not only for what I went through at school, for what I went through at home, where it was often preached, nothing matters but school and swimming. If I made poor grades, I was punished, but if my sister did the same thing, it was the schools fault. One day, I know I will completely heal of it all, but now, Im just working towards that day. The answer is out there I just have to relegate it. Amen.
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