Wednesday, December 25, 2019
In this extract of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare...
In this extract of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare vividly portrays Demetrius and Helena’s contrasting feelings towards each other through the use of language and tone. Helena follows Demetrius into the woods in spite of him blatantly telling her that he doesn’t love her and this makes him angry and frustrated. However Helena still perseveres and begs for his love, highlighting the theme of the irrational nature of love. Shakespeare vividly portrays Demetrius’ feelings of anger and aggression towards Helena through his insults and his use of language and tone. He ignores the fact that he had loved her once before and abuses her both morally and physically. He rejects her by saying â€Å"I love thee not, therefore pursue me not†.†¦show more content†¦Demetrius is extremely insensitive to her feelings, Helena is obviously pursuing him yet he still asks where Hermia is, showing that he is clearly interested in Hermia and not in Helena. His choice of diction is harsh and he shows no respect for her; instead he shows his frustration and irritation with her. The audience feel a sense of hatred towards him for abusing Helena and rejecting her so bluntly. The tone in which he talks to Helena in this extract is a huge contrast to how he talks to Hermia and how he will talk to Helena at the end of the play when he loves her again. This shows that Demetrius is a very inconstant and fickle character because his feelings towards Helena are always changing. Helena’s feelings for Demetrius are shown through her desperate tone and the use of language like contrasting imagery and metaphors, vividly portraying her perseverance to win Demetrius’ love. Throughout this extract Helena is begging for his love and will not take no as an answer. Although she believes him to be a â€Å"hard hearted adamant†she cannot resist her temptations to love him. The metaphor suggests that Demetrius attracts and resists her like a magnet but her love for him will never change because she believes that â€Å"my heart is true as steel†. Steel was hard and expensive to make in the Shakespearean times so Helena was trying to
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Three Political Philosophy Quotes - 1177 Words
Tian Xin Mrs. Sauter World History, Block E 12/16/14 Changes and the Government Changes occurs all the time in human’s daily life, whether it is important or not. For the society, the 3 of greatest philosophers influenced the whole world’s policies with their ideas on different type of governments. The change of government types were most influenced by these 3 philosophers. They each have their outstanding quotes to support and present their ideas. The three political philosophy quotes by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Karl Marx each is the best example for â€Å"absolutism†, â€Å"enlightenment and natural rights†and â€Å"communism†. In addition, the 3 different types of philosophy each applies to distinct type of governments. Thomas Hobbes believes†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, Queen Victoria is a combination of both Thomas Hobbes’s and John Locke’s philosophies. She is the Queen and ruled the country but also adapts Locke’s idea of government should protect peasants’ right. Thus, Locke’s idea of philosophy is about enlightenment and natural rights which applies to a republic or democrat. In Locke’s quote, Locke emphasized the words â€Å"liberty†, â€Å"free†, and â€Å"legislative authority†demonstrates how important equality and freedom is to Locke. Furthermore, the phrase â€Å"from any superior power†and †Å"not to be under†thoroughly illustrated the ideal government and the purpose for the government: to protect the human natural rights. John Locke’s idea of enlightenment influenced a lot of country, especially in France and America; which eventually lead to the French and American Revolutions. For example, in 1750, Britain formed a 13 colonies along the eastern coast of North America. At first, the â€Å"Americans†were suppressed by the Britain. As they were influenced by the enlightenment idea, they started the revolution which leads to a new constitution. Lastly, Karl Marx presented the whole world with the idea of communism which are best referred to a social government. Marx’s idea is often influenced with unrealistic idealism and
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Art Criticism in Education free essay sample
Examines definitions, theories, obstacles, techniques, roles of students teachers, teaching standards, studio instruction, perceptual conceptual responses. Attempts to set and implement national standards for art instruction have met with little success in the United States. The process of developing such standards has, however, produced a number of novel approaches to teaching art. Among the most prominent innovations are the proposed incorporation of the concepts of art criticism, art history, and aesthetics into the arts curriculum. Yet, to take a single example, the idea of introducing art criticism into teaching has met with enormous resistance from entrenched interests, from those who assign a very low value to arts education, and from numerous parties who simply fail to see how such ideas are relevant to the education of children and teenagers. Reactions to the general idea range from outrage over the apparent desire to eliminate studio art classes, to rejection of the idea based on the inadequate arts. We will write a custom essay sample on Art Criticism in Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Vikas Sheoran Essays - Holocene, Geological History Of Earth
Vikas Sheoran History B.A Programme (1392) 20 th September 2017 Pa ttern of living in India in Mesolithic and Neolithic Age The names for these periods all derive from the Greek word "lithos" - a stone - and refer to the material used for tools. Effective ways of producing and working metal had not yet been invented, so cutting, grinding, chopping all had to be done with stone, bone, or wood implements. "Meso-" means "middle" or "between", "Neo-" means "new". Originally these were all thought of together as the "Stone Age", but it became apparent that there were various developments during the periods which enable archaeologists to classify and date a culture more precisely. THE MESOLITHIC PERIOD The Mesolithic period , roughly dated 10,000BC to between 6,000 and 4,000BC. Towards the end of the Palaeolithic, the earth's climate gradually became warmer, the Ice Ages ended, glaciers retreated and melted, and some of the cold-weather animals such as the woolly mammoth died out. The evidences of Mesolithic stage' in India are quantitatively and qualitatively richer than the preceding stage of Stone Age, the Paleolithic Age. In certain areas, these industries have survived at least dawn to early historic times showing a transition from Paleolithic industries to a more advanced type of industries. The oldest human skeletal remains yet known from India came from the Mesolithic level. But, is really a matter of great disgrace that no plant remain has yet been found from any Mesolithic site. A number of living sites of this age that have been discovered mainly from Western and Central India provide us with variety of data regarding the way of the life of the communities. The Mesolithic was a transition period. Climates were shifting, food sources as well. The Pleistocene mega fauna, vast and ready supplies of protein afoot that fed humans on their eventual path to every corner of the earth were on their way to extinction, and human societies were forced to deal with these changing circumstanc es upon which they relied. Meanwhile, technology started to evolve and adapt to these new conditions and life ways. It may be argued that the first animal husbandry was developed during the Mesolithic (or maybe this marked the beginning of the Neolithic). With more humans living more densely than ever before in history (in certain areas), things such as trade and trade routes were able to increase greatly. The exchange of technology and culture was thus more readily transferred. More settled life facilitated more elaborate material culture. The Mesolithic sites in distribution cover almost the entire country except a few areas like Indo- gangetic plain, Assam and most of the Western coast of India. In Indo-gangetic plain, their absence can be explained by the lack of primary raw material (stones) for making tools. Assam and Western coast were probably left uninhabited due to very high rainfall and dense vegetation in this area. The regions like Gujarat plains, Marwar, Mewar etc. show dense concentrations of sites in contrast to other areas. The vast tract of country between Godavari and Mahanadi has just started to be explored. Men developed tools and weapons made of "microliths" - small chips and flakes of sharp stone or flint which could be set into a piece of wood or bone to give a cutting implement, or which could be used as arrow points. Primitive man used tools and implements of rough stone. Flint was commonly used as it is hard but flakes easily. Tools serve a variety of purposes such as skinning of dead animals, cutting their flesh and splitting bones etc. Man during this period was essentially a food gatherer. He was totally dependent on nature for his food supply; requirement of game animals and edible plants. In course of time he learnt to control fire which helped improve the pattern of living in many ways. He used the skins of animals, barks of trees and large leaves as clothes. Men were organized in small wandering groups consisting of few men, women and children. Changes in Life in Mesolithic Era DOMESTICATION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS The economy of early period of Mesolithic age was based on hunting, fishing and food gathering. Slowly domesticating crops
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
10 Facts to Support Your Biology Dissertation With
10 Facts to Support Your Biology Dissertation With A dissertation is a very serious and troublesome academic assignment. The requirements are strict and demanding. It’s necessary to make an in-depth research and study every element and details related to the studied problem. This is not an assignment that can be completed in a day or two. Students write it for months and, still, may fail miserably. In addition, the academic subject can potentially induce some difficulties. Thus, a biology dissertation is pretty complicated. This is a complex learning about animals, plants, microorganisms as well as about the human race. Therefore, it’s not a surprise that this subject is difficult. Not all students are able to handle this task properly. Some may not know the material good enough, the others have poorly developed writing skills, lack time and something of the kind. If you wish to succeed in this important assignment, you ought to continuously improve your writing qualities and enrich the knowledge about every subdivision. However, you may already know what is needed to compose a perfect dissertation. Nevertheless, something might be missing. Sometimes, all that is missing to write a qualified dissertation are some important facts. Accordingly, we have made up a list of 10 facts which are able to support your dissertation in biology. They are the most sought-after aspects that are commonly studied in this direction. Make use out them and nourish your paper. Make allowances for the following essentials: Anatomy of the defects heart. This is a very broad direction, which offers a great variety of options. It is associated with the human, animal, and plant functioning of the heart. Thus, your topic may be related to such diseases as cardiomyopathy. It impairs the normal way our heart is squeezed when it pumps heart. Quantitative and qualitative scientific methodologies. Biology is an important discipline and it requires the implementation of certain methodologies. Use the quantitative and qualitative observations. Quantitative returns numerical data. The qualitative method depends on the specification of the research and is more subjective. It doesn’t record data. Stem cell therapy against diabetes. Stem cell therapy is one of the most promising medical treatments, and it treats lots of severe ailments. One of them is diabetes. Multiple types of research and clinical tests have already approved its potential. You’re free to highlight it. DNA damage and its consequences. Many answers about the human development, behavior, immunity, etc. can be found in our DNA. Once it’s damaged, it negatively reflects on our body. Your dissertation may concentrate on such consequences as oxidative stress, hydrolytic damage, etc. Evolution of Australopithecus. The process of evolution is crucial and gives lots of answers about who we are and how we’ve become those who we are. Learn about the evolution of Australopithecus and use this information in your dissertation. The link between genes and diseases. It’s possible to define the causes of the development of multiple diseases if you learn the influence of genes. Answer how does genetics impact health and disease in your research? Crucial facts about animal extinction. Fauna is important. Unfortunately, many species are already lost forever. There are others under the threat of extinction. Highlight the main factors, which may help to understand why so many animals are gone. The medical resourcefulness of plant. We should never forget about plants. They are the inevitable part of our world and play an important role. Thus, you are welcome to write about their medical usefulness. They are able to cure or/and prevent lots of ailments and health deviations. Ecology issues in Africa. Many things and living conditions of every living creature depend on our environment. We can spot definite tendencies if we study typical problems. Write about problems in Africa, such as deforestation, air, water, oil pollution, loss of biodiversity, etc. Protection of the wildlife in India. It goes beyond all doubts that the matter of wildlife protection is utterly important. It’s difficult to cover this broad theme. Therefore, concentrate on a narrower theme. Thus, you’re free to highlight the current issues of wildlife protection in India. Disclose the possible consequences of ineffective protective measures. Keep these points in your memory. One never knows when this or that theme may come to his/her aid. All these themes are of great importance in biology and can be potentially added to almost every dissertation topic. Take all that is possible and show a link to your main question. It’s quite possible that these facts may play the decisive role to provide your research with the needed grades. Of course, you should use them only when it’s possible. Study your topic from different angles and try to combine it with some of these 10 points. This may be really beneficial.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Objects Commonly Left Inside the Body After Surgery
Objects Commonly Left Inside the Body After Surgery When undergoing surgery, most patients dont consider that they could leave the hospital with foreign objects in their bodies. Research studies indicate that thousands of incidents (4,500 to 6,000) of this type happen each year in the United States alone. Retained surgical instruments after surgery can cause a number of serious health issues and may even lead to death. Leaving foreign objects in a patients body is a mistake that could be avoided with the implementation of extra safety precautions. 15 Objects Commonly Left Inside the Body After Surgery Depending on the type of surgery, surgeons are estimated to use over 250 types of surgical instruments and tools during a single procedure. These objects are difficult to keep track of during surgery and are sometimes left behind. The types of surgical objects commonly left inside a patient after surgery include: spongesscalpelsscissorstowelsdrain tipsneedlesguide wiresclampstweezersforcepsscopessurgical masksmeasuring devicessurgical glovestubes The most common objects left inside a patient are needles and sponges. Sponges, in particular, are difficult to keep track of as they are used to soak up blood during surgery and tend to blend in with the patients organs and tissues. These incidences happen most often during abdominal surgery. The most common areas in which surgical objects are left inside a patient are the abdomen, vagina, and the chest cavity. Why Objects Get Left Behind Surgical objects are unintentionally left inside a patient for a number of reasons. Hospitals typically rely on nurses or technicians to keep track of the number of sponges and other surgical tools used during surgery. Human error comes into play as incorrect counts can be made due to fatigue or chaos as a result of a surgical emergency. Several factors can increase the risk that an object may be left behind after surgery. These factors include unexpected changes that occur during surgery, the patients body mass index is high, multiple procedures are needed, procedures involving more than one surgical team, and procedures involving greater blood loss. Consequences of Leaving Objects Behind The consequences of having surgical tools left inside a patients body vary from harmless to fatal. Patients may go for months or years not realizing that they have foreign surgical objects within their bodies. Sponges and other surgical implements can lead to infection, severe pain, digestive system problems, fever, swelling, internal bleeding, damage to internal organs, obstructions, loss of part of an internal organ, prolonged hospital stays, additional surgery to remove the object or even death. Cases of Objects Left Inside Patients Examples of surgical objects being left inside patients include: A patient in a Wisconsin hospital was undergoing cancer surgery and a 13-inch surgical retractor was left inside his abdomen.A six-inch metal surgical clamp was left in a mans abdomen (behind his liver) following intestinal surgery in California. Even more astonishing is that this was the second time that a clamp was left inside this same patient after surgery.Surgical scissors were left inside a woman who had undergone uterine cancer surgery.A surgical glove was left inside a woman who had undergone a hysterectomy.A two-inch scalpel was left inside the abdomen of a man who was having heart bypass surgery. Prevention Methods Large surgical instruments are not commonly left inside patients. Retained surgical sponges make up the vast majority of objects left behind after surgery. Some hospitals are using sponge-tracking technology to ensure that these items are detected and not left inside a patient. The sponges are bar-coded and scanned when they are used to reduce the risk of an inaccurate count. They are scanned again after surgery to ensure that there are no discrepancies. Another type of sponge-tracking technology involves radio-frequency tagged sponges and towels. These items can be detected by an x-ray while the patient is still in the operating room. Hospitals that use these types of surgical object tracking methods have reported a drastic reduction in the rate of reported retained surgical objects. Adopting sponge-tracking technology has also proven to be more cost-effective for hospitals than having to perform additional surgeries on patients to remove retained surgical objects. Sources Eisler, Peter. â€Å"What Surgeons Leave behind Costs Some Patients Dearly.†USA Today. Gannett, 08 Mar. 2013. Web. 6 July 2016., T. Tung, D. et al. Retained Surgical Sponges: Findings from Incident Reports and a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Radiofrequency Technology. J Am Coll Surg. 2014 Sep;219(3):354-64. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2014.03.052. Epub 2014 May 10.
Objects Commonly Left Inside the Body After Surgery
Objects Commonly Left Inside the Body After Surgery When undergoing surgery, most patients dont consider that they could leave the hospital with foreign objects in their bodies. Research studies indicate that thousands of incidents (4,500 to 6,000) of this type happen each year in the United States alone. Retained surgical instruments after surgery can cause a number of serious health issues and may even lead to death. Leaving foreign objects in a patients body is a mistake that could be avoided with the implementation of extra safety precautions. 15 Objects Commonly Left Inside the Body After Surgery Depending on the type of surgery, surgeons are estimated to use over 250 types of surgical instruments and tools during a single procedure. These objects are difficult to keep track of during surgery and are sometimes left behind. The types of surgical objects commonly left inside a patient after surgery include: spongesscalpelsscissorstowelsdrain tipsneedlesguide wiresclampstweezersforcepsscopessurgical masksmeasuring devicessurgical glovestubes The most common objects left inside a patient are needles and sponges. Sponges, in particular, are difficult to keep track of as they are used to soak up blood during surgery and tend to blend in with the patients organs and tissues. These incidences happen most often during abdominal surgery. The most common areas in which surgical objects are left inside a patient are the abdomen, vagina, and the chest cavity. Why Objects Get Left Behind Surgical objects are unintentionally left inside a patient for a number of reasons. Hospitals typically rely on nurses or technicians to keep track of the number of sponges and other surgical tools used during surgery. Human error comes into play as incorrect counts can be made due to fatigue or chaos as a result of a surgical emergency. Several factors can increase the risk that an object may be left behind after surgery. These factors include unexpected changes that occur during surgery, the patients body mass index is high, multiple procedures are needed, procedures involving more than one surgical team, and procedures involving greater blood loss. Consequences of Leaving Objects Behind The consequences of having surgical tools left inside a patients body vary from harmless to fatal. Patients may go for months or years not realizing that they have foreign surgical objects within their bodies. Sponges and other surgical implements can lead to infection, severe pain, digestive system problems, fever, swelling, internal bleeding, damage to internal organs, obstructions, loss of part of an internal organ, prolonged hospital stays, additional surgery to remove the object or even death. Cases of Objects Left Inside Patients Examples of surgical objects being left inside patients include: A patient in a Wisconsin hospital was undergoing cancer surgery and a 13-inch surgical retractor was left inside his abdomen.A six-inch metal surgical clamp was left in a mans abdomen (behind his liver) following intestinal surgery in California. Even more astonishing is that this was the second time that a clamp was left inside this same patient after surgery.Surgical scissors were left inside a woman who had undergone uterine cancer surgery.A surgical glove was left inside a woman who had undergone a hysterectomy.A two-inch scalpel was left inside the abdomen of a man who was having heart bypass surgery. Prevention Methods Large surgical instruments are not commonly left inside patients. Retained surgical sponges make up the vast majority of objects left behind after surgery. Some hospitals are using sponge-tracking technology to ensure that these items are detected and not left inside a patient. The sponges are bar-coded and scanned when they are used to reduce the risk of an inaccurate count. They are scanned again after surgery to ensure that there are no discrepancies. Another type of sponge-tracking technology involves radio-frequency tagged sponges and towels. These items can be detected by an x-ray while the patient is still in the operating room. Hospitals that use these types of surgical object tracking methods have reported a drastic reduction in the rate of reported retained surgical objects. Adopting sponge-tracking technology has also proven to be more cost-effective for hospitals than having to perform additional surgeries on patients to remove retained surgical objects. Sources Eisler, Peter. â€Å"What Surgeons Leave behind Costs Some Patients Dearly.†USA Today. Gannett, 08 Mar. 2013. Web. 6 July 2016., T. Tung, D. et al. Retained Surgical Sponges: Findings from Incident Reports and a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Radiofrequency Technology. J Am Coll Surg. 2014 Sep;219(3):354-64. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2014.03.052. Epub 2014 May 10.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
JUDICIAL SYSTEM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
JUDICIAL SYSTEM - Essay Example The presiding judge enters the courtroom after all others have settled this is usually at precisely 10:00 am. When he does, the people present stand as a show of respect to the authority bestowed upon that judge. He sits down, he then orders for the rest of the people to be sitting. To the left of the preceding judge a panel of twelve juries is sitting, to the right slightly in front of the judge we have witness box, behind the judge we have a door leading to the judge’s chambers (Waye & Paul 337). Mr. Howard is answering charges of raping of a girl by the name Ann while she was playing in a garden at the back of an apartment where they live. The trial begins with prosecution side making remarks directing to jury. The prosecution is laying the ground for what they believe is true and showing their readiness to prove that Mr. Howard is guilty. The defense side addresses the jury with determination to prove that Mr. Howard is innocent and a law-abiding citizen. The opening statements from each side holds a lot of conviction on what they intend to prove (Waye & Paul 338). The prosecution starts to call out his witness and asks questions, the witness gives the evidence in their own words; they narrate what they witnessed as they answer the questions asked. The witness is under an oath, to tell the truth and only the truth. In this case, the first and only witness was a woman who shared the apartment with the victim and the accused. She claims to have observed Mr. Howard on different occasions looking at the Ann suggestively (Waye & Paul 339). On the evening of the unfortunate accident while in her apartment, she heard muffled screams from the garden. She moved towards her window that faced the garden in time to Mr. Howard jump across to the road from the garden. She emphasizes that she is sure it is Mr. Howard. The defense side then takes over and cross-examines the witness. Since, under the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Health Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Health Information Systems - Essay Example Medical informatics started in the US when the computers and microchips were introduced in the 1950s. In 1949, the first professional informatics organization was founded by Gustav Wager in Germany. Programs that trained individuals on informatics systems began in France in the 1960s which became common in the United States and Europe by the 1970s. Initially, health informatics systems were used for purposes like billing and patient admissions/discharges. (Neujahr). The technological advances made in the field of computers contributed to the rapid spread of health informatics systems. The relationship between doctors and people has also drastically changed with the introduction of medical informatics, since people are not ignorant of the health issues they are likely to face. Information regarding symptoms, causes and diagnosis is made available to all individuals, enabling them to identify their problem. People are usually aware of the health issue before they approach a doctor for diagnosis. Health informatics on the internet has made professionals more equitable since they have the advantage of learning of medical and clinical procedures immediately, without having to search for books on the particular technique or to consult other professionals. The physician is expected to have wide knowledge of all disciplines of medicine as all information is made available to the client or the patient. Internet forms the site of a new struggle over expertise in health that will transform the relationship between the health professions and their clients. (Hardey, 2009). A number of health informatics organizations have been developed by the government to provide reliable information on all kinds of health issues. For instance, the United States Federal Government has developed a health informatics site, It provides guidelines to healthy living and personalized health advice by professionals to enable the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
U.S. War on Terror-Iraq Essay Example for Free
U.S. War on Terror-Iraq Essay The U. S in the aftermath of terrorist incidents on September 11 in the mainland America embarked upon an anti-terrorist campaign in the world. In a following state of the union address by the president of the U. S. , Iraq was declared to comprise the â€Å"axis of evil†. President George W. Bush affirmed that the Iraqi regime exhibited its grave aggression toward United States, and hankered after to build up â€Å"weapons of mass destruction†for more than a decade. Bush further illustrated the Iraqi government as a grave and growing danger as it might employ â€Å"weapons of mass destruction†to blackmail or attack the US. He further showed a connection between Saddam Hussein’s government and terrorist groups. Bush declared that the United States of America will not permit the worlds most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the worlds most dangerous weapons. (U. S. Executive Office. 2002) Vice President Dick Cheney re-emaphzised the threat from Iraq and stated that we now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. He also declared that many of us are convinced that Saddam will acquire nuclear weapons fairly soon†¦containment is not possible when dictators obtain weapons of mass destruction and are prepared to share them with terrorists who intend to inflict catastrophic casualties on the United States. †Earnest preparations were set in motion to launch a military invasion against Iraq. An attempt at cobbling coalition of countries on the pattern of 1990 antedating the gulf-war 1 fell miserably short of its intended objectives, as U. K alone notably contributed towards the war plan, in addition to mere token contributions from Australia. As military mien and might were accumulated around Iraq with fanfare fro the purpose of war, a resolution was presented to the united nations security council as a product of after thought on the part of the U. S. and on the promptings of the British prime minister . The underlying in tent in the resolution was the conferment of legitimacy upon the anticipated invasion of Iraq. The UN resolution 1441 passed unanimously on November 8, 2002 sanctioned U. N. inspection teams to bring about disarmament of Iraq. (U. N. Security Council, 2002) The use of military force was not envisaged by the majority of the Security Council members to affect disarmament. The US and its allies moved another resolution in the council to sanction use of military force against Iraq. However, due to the inability to secure required number of votes for its passage in the SC, the resolution was withdrawn by the Y. S. The eagerness to rationalize its war efforts against Iraq led the U. S. to project shifting rational of war from disarmament of Iraq suspected to be in possession of the weapons of mass destruction, to the regime change, through bringing about political liberation and introduction of democracy in Iraq, to some others. Finally, the real motives underlying the military invasion of Iraq could not remain without coming to surface. The issue of the justification of Iraq war, once surveyed with the advantage of retrospection, imparts invaluable lessons. The doctrine of preemption contained in a document entitled The U. S. National Security Strategy was announced in September last, the epoch making events leading to the war against Iraq are the subject matter of the ensuing discourse. An astounding paradox, the war though as a mean to purge Iraq of its presumed stock of the WMD is proclaimed part of the U. S anti-terrorism campaign in the world, however, any established definition of terrorism is not yet recognized by the U. N. the substantive ramifications of such an omission are to be realized. The Iraq situation in the aftermath of war and U. S. military occupation bears an historic significance for the Islamic civilization. The outcome in the Iraq conflict, as in such instances of military occupation gathered from history, of course, will depend upon the response the Muslims are able to forge over a period against the extraordinary challenge that has come to emerge. The chief UN weapon inspector, Dr. Blix told the UNSC in a crucial report that no WMD were discovered in Iraq by the UN team. At the same time, the report maintained that Saddam Hussein had not accounted for any banned weapons. Dr. al-Baradei reported that inspectors found no evidence that Iraq had restated its nuclear weapons program. No Iraqi cooperation was needed for the inspection work, because in nuclear verification, particularly with an intrusive verification system, the presence ore absence of a nuclear weapons program in a state could be assessed even without the full cooperation of the inspected state. The U. S foreign secretary at that time Mr. Collin Powell addressed the UN SC and sought to make a case against Iraq of ‘denial and deception’. (U. S. Department of State, 2003) The satellite pictures from Iraq of the apparent evidences for the manufacture of rockets exceeding UN permitted dimensions an ranges , and for rocket launchers exceeding the size needed for limited range missiles, were beamed at the screens in the UNSC and around the world. Artistic renderings of the mobile laboratories for producing bio and chemical weapons were presented and a claim , on the basis of information gathered from defectors , was made that there were at least eighteen such laboratories in the possession of Iraq. Mr. Powell recounted that Iraq had failed to account for Anthrax and other lethal bio and chemical weapons, which according to the UN inspectors report in the 1998, Iraq was suspected of owning. Included in the evidence among the aerial photographs of the buildings was an â€Å"organizational chart†of supposed al-Qaeda operations in Iraq, a couple of tare recordings that lent themselves to varied interpretations and a large number of undated reports by unnamed Iraqi defectors. Further, in the report, the secretary made a case that Iraq had repeatedly tried to import sophisticated parts that could be used in a gas centrifuge to produce enriched uranium. In particular, that Iraq had sought â€Å"high-specification aluminum tubes from eleven different countries†. Mr. Powell admitted the fact that â€Å"there is controversy about what these tubes are for â€Å". Iraq explained that the tubes were for missiles, and that the UN experts agreed that the tubes were consistent with Iraq’s view point and â€Å"not directly suitable†for a centrifuge. According to Mr. Powell the debate missed the point: Iraq had no business buying the tubes for any purpose, for those are banned. The early reviews of Mr. Powell’s performance were mixed. In the U. S. audience he changed so many minds that half of all Americans were than ready to go to war immediately, compared with only a third the previous month, according to the Newsweek poll . In contrast among the member states of the UN, Mr. Powell’s case for a US –led war on Baghdad as a â€Å"smoking mirrors†and nothing to do with reality, and plain wrong. He described the presentation by Mr. Powell before the UNSC as a compelling case and sound argument only for the unknowing. Some critics suggested the entertainment of skepticism concerning Mr. Powell’s report. Previous instance s of the use of disinformation by the US government to drum up support for war was cited. These included from relatively subtle measures like the doctoring of satellite photos to convince the Saudi government that Iraq was amassing troops for an invasion of Saudi Arabia in 1990, to incredibly crude ones like the continuing claims by the U. S. officials, including Mr. Bush, that â€Å"Iraq†expelled weapons inspectors in 1998. However as covered in the press at the time, the inspectors were withdrawn at the behest of the U. S. The doctrine of preemption was declared in a document, â€Å"the National Security Strategy of the United States†on September 20 during an address by the president at the WestPoint. A law was also passed ,The USA PATRIOT Act, commonly known as the Patriot Act, is an Act of Congress that United States President George W. Bush signed into law on October 26, 2001. The acronym of USA PATRIOT ACT stands for â€Å"Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. This act broadens the authority of US law enforcement agencies to a large extent for the sake of fighting terrorism on the soil of United States and abroad. The most important provisions of the Act includes that the law enforcement agencies has been made immensely powerful and they have been allowed to search telephone, e-mail accounts, medical records, financial records and many other things, restrictions and limitations have also been loosed on intelligence gathering related to other countries within the United State . the authority of the Secretary of Treasury has been increased greatly and now he can monitor and control the financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities. The â€Å"Patriot law†also enhances the discretion of law enforcement agencies and immigration authorities so that they can now detain and deport immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts with more ease and less restrictions. This act also sheds its light on the definition of terrorism and domestic terrorism is included in its domain. The significance of the ‘doctrine of preemption’ resides in the fact that it represented a remarkable departure from the historical policy of the U. S. as followed by successive American presidents. (ALCU) Although Patriot act provides surveillance agencies with great powers to search and eavesdrop to intercept and counter any terrorist activity but critics of the Act has illustrated that Patriot Act forfeited legal and constitutional shields of liberty and privacy for American citizen. For example, Susan Herman views that Patriot Act is against the spirit of cherished American ideals of freedom and democracy. She described that Patriot act lack a balance between rights of the American citizens and the President’s initiative to curb the terrorist activities. She says that Presidential powers in Patriot act are imperative for the protection of American citizen’s from future terrorists attacks but he is also responsible to â€Å"preserve, protect and defend the constitution†that safeguards the privacy and individuals rights of the people. (Herman, 2002) The policy of deterrence and containment has been pursued by the U. S to prevent wars. The knowledgeable persons view this enunciation of the recent national security policy, to be a paradoxical approach in the historical perspective, for it envisages resorting to war in order to prevent it. The justification of the doctrine is perceived by its source to reside in the logic that, â€Å"given the goals of rogue states and terrorists, the U. S. can no longer solely rely on a reactive posture †¦we cannot let our enemies strike first. As a matter of common sense and self defense, America will act against such emerging threats before they are fully formed. †The newly conceived U. S. strategy is fraught with serious consequences , due to its unilateral appropriations of the prerogative to impose its authoritative order upon other nations in the world by the U. S. it makes no pretensions of referring to any legal or moral framework that is subscribed to in the world. the sovereignty of states , guaranteed in the UN charter as sacrosanct and forming one of the fundamental principles of international relations since the Treaty of Westphalia 1648, has been exposed to a hazard unknown in the world before. The UN sanctioned inspection process was proceeding satisfactorily as acknowledged by other veto-using members of the council. However, the U. S. and its allies presented a resolution in the SC to require its authorization for the immediate use of force against Iraq to bring about disarmament. As become evident that the proposed resolutions would not come to muster the requisite number of votes in the council for its passage, and there loomed the inevitable threat of vetoes from France and Russia, the US deemed it convenient to withdraw the proposed resolution. The new doctrine, tested on the grounds of its initial application in Iraq, is a counter to international law and a subversion to the collective security system of the UN . the essential element of the collective security system of the UN is the prohibition of arbitrary use of force under all circumstances, it is the prerogative of the UNSC to determine in each instance the nature of the conflict, the threat arising from it, and the measure to be adopted against an aggressor. The doctrine of preemption is a usurpation of the UNSC’s role as an international collective peace-keeping organization. The outcome of war in Iraq-the removal of Saddam Hussain , regime change and occupation of Iraq – is by no means a validation of the doctrine. As a matter of fact , abysmal failure to establish the discovery of WMD and the US not becoming a force of liberation for the people of Iraq , who are in agitation to restore their independence from foreign occupation, such aftermath of war on Iraq provides a censure, and not the justification, for the doctrine. The international commission of jurists (ICJ), in response to the ultimatum issued by Mr. Bush warning Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq within forty eight hours, declared that invasion of Iraq would be illegal and tantamount to a war of aggression. The Geneva-based non-governmental body, comprised of sixty eminent jurists, expressed its deep dismay for the reason that,†a small number of states are poised to launch an outright illegal invasion of Iraq which amounts to a war of aggression. †The ICJ insisted that without SC authorization, no country could use force against another country except in self-defense against an armed attack. It emphasized that â€Å"there was no other plausible legal basis for the invasion of Iraq than a UNSC resolution that sanctioned it. †A critical analysis of the facts and events related to the US war on Iraq harbors a wealth of lessons, which should be the subject matter of another discourse. In the aftermath of the terrorist incident s of September 11, the US has demonstrated a gradual yet persistent shift away from internationalism. The abandonment of the Kyoto protocol –the treaty establishing the international criminal court –the repeal of Anti-Ballistic missile Treaty, non-compliance with the UN Resolution 1441, launching of the invasion of Iraq without the sanction of the UNSC, the assassination attempt at Saddam-in strict legal sense and before the formal declaration of war- and the disinclination from the involvement of the UN in the administration of post-war Iraq, are the instances of the US international conduct, among others. The rational of war against Iraq, after undergoing changes as adjustments for the purpose of plausibility, has finally emerged to be the control of rich oil reserves in Iraq, reconstruction, contracts for the US construction conglomerates, and far wider strategic aims in the middle-east. Such aims include the building of military basis in Iraq and conversion of the middle-east into a â€Å"free trade zone,†as announced by the US president. To sum up, despite controversies related to the Iraq war, what is needed for Iraq both by U.S government and Iraqi nations is, as enunciated in the national security strategy of the US as well, to provide for the common defense. It is anticipated that with vision and valor the present and historic crises the world of crescent will be cope with by overcoming implicit dangers, and harnessing opportunities. Noteworthy it is, the word crisis in an ancient oriental language is comprised of two meanings at once, the danger and opportunity.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Endurance in Night by Eli Wiesel Essay -- essays research papers
In the Face of Adversity      à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Dale Carnegie believed that perseverance could overcome even the harshest obstacles. Perseverance is inspired by a purpose, an unsatisfied drive to achieve a goal. During a cataclysmic event, only people with a purpose endure.      In Night, Eliezer endures the Holocaust with a purpose to keep his father alive. He is a 15 years old boy when he and Chlomo began their journey through the perilous camps of Auschwitz, Buna, and Buchenwald. Eventually, Eliezer loses his faith in God but not in his father. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“He had felt that his father was growing weak, he had believed that the end was near and had sought this separation in order to get rid the burden, to free himself from an encumbrance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ My God, Lord of the Universe, give me strength never to do what Rabbi Eliahouà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s son has doneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?(87). The motivation Eliezer has to endure is to keep his father alive. Even though his father is a constant burden, Eliezer is determined never to desert his father like Rabbià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Eliahouà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s son attempts. Even when Chlomo becomes sick with dysentery, Eliezer stays by his side. He gives his father his own soup, forfeits his own bread, and even tries to get a doctor to help. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“For a ration of bread, I managed to change beds with a prisoner in my fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s bunkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (1...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Drama In Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Essay
A very living and breathing drama of life is painted in â€Å"Road Not Taken†that presents a situation in which speaker is caught in a decision-making dilemma. The setting of the poem presents the speaker t a bifurcation of road where he must decide which trail to take. He can not make out where either road leads. He looks at the physical aspects of the road and decides to travel on the less-traveled road. The poem symbolizes the underlying theme of choice-making and speaker’s individuality in prefer a less-common way. It further implies that decision-making must not be procrastinated because it is more harmful than the outcome of an endeavor. Furthermore, in manifest that there is no absolute choice available to human being and he has to prefer one choice over the other provided and governed by destiny. The only distinction that poet has, is his preference of less-common choice. Although whole poem is an extended metaphor of life where one comes across many occasions when he has to make decisions but Frost introduces various metaphorical expression to convey the intensity of the situation. In the very first line, Robert Frost brings in the primary metaphor, the diverging roads. Fist line introduces the dilemma of diverging road while in line 2-3 poet shows the limitations of physical being and regrets over human incapability to travel on both road. â€Å"Long I stood†depicts that he did take the impulsive decision and took his time to make decision. Lines 4-10 depict his comparative examination of both roads. He again refers to human incapacity when he acknowledges that his vision is inadequate. Next two lines resonate the past feeling as he finds the both road â€Å"really about the same†. In 13-15, he makes his decision whereas lines five lines, he visualizes himself in future, talking about his decision to go on the less-traveled path.            The tone of the poem is meditative because speaker contemplates on his options. He has to take into account the characteristics of each road. There is an element of regret also as he can not travel on both road but poems ends on an optimistic not as poet thinks that traveling on less-traveled road will make the difference. He signifies the importance of his individuality that compels him to move on a less-trodden path. He does not adopt the ordinary path in the mundane activities of life.            The structure of the poem has a peculiar importance and is constructed on four stanzas with five lines each. The first stanza presents the dilemma; second stanza symbolizes the choices available to the speaker. Third stanza manifests his regret over not taking the other road whereas fourth road depicts the decision of the poet to take the less traveled road. There is sign of exclamation after line 13 that indicates the excitement on decision to keep the first path for another day but this excitement soon dies out as he doubts that whether he will come back. In lines 18 and 19, there is repetition of â€Å"I†that denotes the emphasis on â€Å"his†decision to move on less traveled trail. Rhyme scheme of the poem is abaabcdccd†¦Frost uses simple diction that conveys his message with comprehensive.            So as a whole, this poem uses different poetical tools to describe the psychological dilemma of the poet in decision-making. His experience is not subjective but is of universal nature and he presents it in a subtle way.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Organic vs. industrial food Essay
Organic foods, although stereotypically known for having a bland taste or having no taste have been shown to improve one’s quality of life be decreasing some health risk such as cancer or heart disease. If you haven’t realized it, organic fruits and vegetables taste better, and the flavor is crispier. The health consequences of genetically modified food, when examined closely, will convince you to change your eating habits. The shelf life of food depends on four main factors: formulation, processing, packaging and storage. Change any one of these conditions and you can change the shelf life for better or worse. Shelf life has many attributes: bacterial control, color stability, yeast and mold inhibition, flavor stability, textural stability and aroma stability. The appearance of shelf-life problems can be wide, as well, including oxidative browning, oxidation of flavor compounds, or liquescence. To increase the shelf life of more unstable foods, such as low-sugar jam, low-salt condiments, low-oil salad dressings, prepared fresh produce and deli meats, food companies may take steps to reduce bacterial load from ingredients before they process the final food. To grow, thrive and survive, microbes need a friendly environment; this usually includes moisture. Lowering moisture creates a hostile environment for bacteria by decreasing the available medium for them to grow in. There are a number of new ingredients to help regulate water activity in foods with a reduced fat phase. â€Å" Generally, the water activity of a minimally processed food needs to be about 0. 07 or lower, water has an a W rating of 1. 00, and most products preserved with sugar, measure about 0. 07, with the excess water bound so that bacteria are under osmotic pressure too great to survive(Katz, February 4, 2006). †Whenever you buy food, you have decision to make: Healthy or cheap, organic or industrial. If organic food was not so expensive, that decision would be easy, everybody would buy organic food, for a healthier body. Unfortunately not everybody can afford it, making it look like healthy food is becoming a luxury good. In the rush to produce more and more food for the people on this planet, chemicals came into play. Farmers begin by trying to sell the highest percentage of their crop and therefore often use pesticides, gen-manipulated corn, chemicals etc. The farmer’s investment in pesticides, hormones, and chemicals tends to pays off, earning more, their fruits look better and costumers are happy with huge pest fee fruits and vegetables. When a farmer says no to chemicals, he runs the risk of losing a harvest because of pests. The only way to compensate the cost is a higher price for organic food. You can’t ask everybody to pay higher prices, and a lot of people would starve to death without the use of chemicals which protect harvests against pests. Every time you eat something, you consume pesticides, these substances are added in order to produce and sell more efficient. Fortunately there are strict rules for the use of chemicals. Organic foods are produced following practices described in the USDA National Organic Program (NOP), a marketing program with a certification process throughout the production and manufacturing chain. The NOP describes the practices that are required for labeling a product â€Å"organic,†but it does not address nutritional benefits or food safety issues. Even when you buy organic food, you are consuming these substances, but the bar is set at a different height and you are consuming less harmful substances that could be particularly hazards for high-risk groups such as pregnant women, infants, young children and farm worker households. Since organic food is not prepared using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, it does not contain any traces of these strong chemicals and might not affect the human body. People strongly believe that organic food tastes better than non-organic food. The prominent reason for this belief is that it is produced using organic means of production. Further organic food is often sold locally resulting in availability of fresh produce in the market. So how bad is industrial food? Let’s take a look; there are maximum residue limits on all pesticides and chemicals. The department of health determines how much of each substance is ok. Eating organic food lowers the risk of getting hit by a similar scenario, but it’s not a 100% guarantee (Are Organic Foods Better for You. 2010). However, getting seriously sick from cheap food is not that high of a risk as long as you read food labels you can eat cheap and healthy at the same time? If you are eating organic food only, you are still eating unhealthy foods. Almost everyone is aware that foods grown according to organic principles are free from over exposure to harmful pesticides, but that is only one small aspect. A larger part of organic agriculture is the health of the soil and the ecosystem in which crops are raised. Organic farmers know that healthy, live soils significantly benefit crops. Synthetic chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, and/or fast acting inorganic fertilizers applied to or around crops interrupt or destroy the micro biotic activity in the soil. Organic farming reduces groundwater pollutants, decreases pesticides that can end up in your drinking glass; in some cities, pesticides in tap water have been measured at unsafe levels. The Farmer’s Market is a growers’ market, meaning everything in the market is homegrown, but Richard Bowie, an experienced organic grower is not convinced that all the food being sold is homegrown. â€Å"The market’s slogan ‘100% Homegrown makes us different’ is used as a gimmick, said Bowie†(Shreve, October 3, 2011). Vendors have been seen carrying produce and selling it to other vendors at the market bringing the term organically grown in to question and without certification, and but by law they cannot say they are a certified organically grown vendor. Most vendors cannot afford the certification process and want consumers to look past the term organic there for focus on the soil used or nutrients used. Almost everyone is aware that foods grown according to organic principles are free from over exposure to harmful pesticides, but that is only one small aspect. A larger part of organic agriculture is the health of the soil and the ecosystem in which crops are raised. Organic farmers know that healthy, live soils significantly benefit crops. Synthetic chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, and/or fast acting inorganic fertilizers applied to or around crops interrupt or destroy the micro biotic activity in the soil. Organic farming reduces groundwater pollutants, decreases pesticides that can end up in your drinking glass; in some cities, pesticides in tap water have been measured at unsafe levels. We should choose farming methods that truly address our real concerns safety and sustainability, not simply methods that satisfy an arbitrary marketing label. To whatever extent these practices include methods that are permitted under organic rules. But there’s never a case when a safe, more efficient, and sustainable modern technology that feeds more people worldwide should be disallowed for no logical reason. Eating â€Å"organic†alone doesn’t guarantee 100 percent healthy . The truth is that most Americans eat so badly that we get most of our calories from soft drinks, more than we do from vegetables; the top food group by caloric intake is â€Å"sweets†; and one-third of nation’s adults are now obese. It’s not unimportant, but it’s not the primary issue in the way Americans eat. To eat well, says means avoiding â€Å"edible food-like substances†and sticking to real ingredients, increasingly from the plant kingdom. There’s plenty of evidence that both a person’s health as well as the environment’s will improve with a simple shift in eating habits away from animal products and highly processed foods to plant products and what might be called â€Å"real food. †From these changes, Americans would reduce the amount of land, water and chemicals used to produce the food we eat, as well as the incidence of lifestyle diseases linked to unhealthy diets and greenhouse gases from industrial meat production. And the food would not necessarily have to be organic, all it takes is paying attention to what you eat and read your labels more closely. Participation on our part to be more aware of what we buy and to raise our voices, if need be. We can let our opinions be known even in the simplest ways. A good example is when we shop, if there is no substitute for the product we need, let the store owners know, they will surely change their products. Organic food is better as it uses natural farming techniques. It is similar to preferring natural remedies when suffering from a disease as compared to eating chemical antibiotics. So, the question of organic foods vs non organic foods; which is better, is clearly answered. Organic food surpasses the conventionally produced foods. References Katz, F. (Febuary 4, 2006). Formulating for increased shelf life. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from http://www. foodprocessing. com/articles/2006/039. html Are Organic Foods Better For You?. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from http://preventdisease. com/home/tips61. shtml Shreve, S. (October 3, 2011). Does organically grown produce really matter?. Retrieved November 21, 2011, from.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Degration of Women essays
Degration of Women essays Since the beginning of civilization, homosexual relationships have been looked down upon and condemned. The infamous story of Sodom and Gomorrah, which is taken from The Holy Bible, gives a detailed account of Gods own intolerance of homosexuality. But, as time moves on and the attitudes of the masses change, we find ourselves moving towards a society that seemingly tolerates actions that were once seen as abominable. The blatant use of sexuality as an advertisement tool, the insurgence of talk shows such as The Jerry Springer Show, and a music industry that routinely sells materials that degrade women and advocate the use of recreational drugs seem to be the calling cards of modern society. Over the years, the United States Armed Forces has made a conscious effort to maintain a sense of morality and discipline in an ever-changing world. We are an institution of proud men and women who have volunteered our lives to the nations defense. We have the awesome task of not only accomplishing a wartime mission, but, living together in tense, limited facilities that do not always accommodate ones need for comfort and convenience. After saying all of these things about the military, as I know it to be, I have to give careful consideration to the topic of this essay. When the armed forces oppose openly homosexual service members, what are we opposed to? In 1999, Senator Bill Bradley and former Vice President Al Gore expected members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to let homosexuals openly serve in the military. What they received was a backlash of military leadership that opposed the changes due to fears that unit cohesion would decay throughout the armed forces. However, living in a more tolerant society would eventually usher in the Dont ask, dont tell policy. The Army Command Policy (Army Regulation 600-20) allows homosexuals to serve in the military under the con ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Identify the Larch Pine Tree
How to Identify the Larch Pine Tree Larches are conifers in the genus Larix, in the family Pinaceae. They are native to much of the cooler temperate northern hemisphere, on lowlands in the far north, and high on mountains further south. Larches are among the dominant plants in the immense boreal forests of Russia and Canada. These trees can be identified by their coniferous needles and dimorphic shoots which bear singular buds within clusters of needles. However, larches are also deciduous, meaning that they lose their needles in the fall, which is rare for coniferous trees. North American larches are typically observed as either tamarack or western larch and can be found in many parts of North Americas lush deciduous forests. Other conifers include bald cypress, cedar, Douglas-fir, hemlock, pine, redwood, and spruce. How to Identify Larches Most common larches in North America can be identified by their coniferous needles and single cone per shoot of needle clusters, but also by the larches deciduous quality wherein they lose these needles and cones in the autumn, unlike most evergreen conifers. The female cones are uniquely green or purple but ripen to brown five to eight months after pollination, however, northern and southern larches differ in cone size - those in colder northern climates have small cones while those in southern climates tend to have much longer cones. These differing cone sizes use to taxonomize this species into two sections - the Larix for the shorter and Multiserialis for the long bracts, but recent genetic evidence discovered suggests these traits are merely adaptations to climate conditions. Other Conifers and Distinctions Larches arent the most common conifers in North America, cedars, firs, pines, and spruces - which also all happen to be evergreen - are much more common throughout Canada and the United States due to their ability to survive in harsher and warmer climates. These species also differ from larches in the way their shoots, cones, and needles are shaped and grouped. Cedar trees, for instance, have much longer needles and often bear cones in clusters with shoots containing multiple clusters. Firs, on the other hand, have much thinner needles and also bear one cone per shoot. Bald cypres, hemlock, pine, and spruce are also included in the same family of coniferous plants, each of which is also evergreen - with only a few exceptions in the redwood family, which only contains a few larch-like genus.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Research the development of endoxaban as well as the target and Essay
Research the development of endoxaban as well as the target and mechanism of action. Illustrate aspects of the discovery and development process that are relevant to endoxaban - Essay Example , however jus most recently in the January of 2015.1 In the USA, the drug has been approved both for the prevention of the systematic formation of blood clot in the non–central-nervous-system, as well as for the prevention of stroke1. The drug is currently approved for medical use in the treatment of the thrombosis of deep veins, as well as in the treatment of pulmonary embolism, after a period of 5 to 10 days therapy involving the application of a parenteral-based coagulant.3 The development of the Endoxaban oral drug started several years ago, but the first official request for investigation and approval by the Daiichi Sankyo company was made to the Ministry of Health in Japan in 6 April 2010.2 The investigation of the drug commenced and the approval of its commercial production and sale was approved in Japan by the Ministry of Health on 22 April 2011, making the drug a fully approved medication for the prevention of venous thromboembolisms (VTE).4 At the international level, the drug has undergone successful investigations, with the first clinical investigation being initiated towards the end of 2009, where a clinical study was undertaken usinig 21,000 patients in the USA, Europe and Japan.3 The second clinical trial was subsequently undertaken in Japan, followed by the third clinical investigations, all of which have demonstrated the efficacy and safety profile of oral Endoxaban when comparable to that of warfarin, which is the most common used antico agulant in the USA.4 The first clinical investigations of the drug, since the drug was first subjected to clinical investigations in 2009, has indicated that the drug has the acceptable profile of both safety and efficacy of use for medication.5 The second and the third phases of the clinical investigations have affirmed the safety and efficacy profiles of the oral Endoxaban, resulting in its approval for the medical use in the prevention of both venous clotting and stroke. Despite the fact that the Endoxaban
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Business communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Business communication - Essay Example f the experience that you have procured amid your time in therapeutic deals there are a few profession ways to consider where you will have the capacity to utilize this experience specifically. Inside of a pharmaceutical organization you may have the chance to move into any of the accompanying parts: Specialist Representative - Hospital Sales, Biotechnology, NHS Liaison P.R. Preparing - Central or Regional area Field Management - 1st line deals administration Product Management - Specialist showcasing If you move into the pharmaceutical administration division there are different roads to consider. Promoting, Medical Education, P.R. Preparing, Recruitment Whatever parkway you picked, the beginning preparing that you get as a therapeutic agent will be major in building your future vocation. Graduates with applicable capabilities in life sciences, drug store, pharmaceutical, nursing or dentistry. Newcomers typically get a starting period (up to six months) of extreme preparing, after which they may shadow experienced deals staff before beginning to take a shot at their own. Medical delegates are the key purpose of contact in the middle of pharmaceutical and therapeutic organizations and medicinal services experts, advancing item mindfulness, noting questions, giving guidance and presenting new items. (2015). Chapter 10. Hiring and Training Key Staff of Community Organizations | Section 5. Developing Personnel Policies | Main Section | Community Tool Box. Retrieved 23 June 2015, from
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
O2's branding and marketing strategy Dissertation
O2's branding and marketing strategy - Dissertation Example eting 38 Achieving Branding and Marketing Goals 39 Effectiveness of O2’s Branding and Marketing Strategy 40 Effect of O2’s Marketing and Branding Strategy on the Market 41 RECOMMENDATIONS 41 References 54 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Background of the Problem Aghapour, Manafi, Hojabri, Salehi, Saeidinia and Gheshmi (2011, p. 136) demonstrate that branding allows companies to promote their products and services in the market to achieve more sales. In this regard, branding has been described as one of the most effective methods of marketing a company’s products and services within its market. It is through branding that businesses have been able to win the confidentiality and loyalty of their customers (Marketing Week, 2009, p. 1). O2 is the second leading mobile operator within the telecommunication industry of the United Kingdom. O2 has concentrated in building brand loyalty within the UK mobile market. The company has remained unique in its branding an d marketing strategy. There are many changes within the UK telecommunication industry which O2 must adapt to in its marketing communication so that it would remain in the top of the mobile business. O2 whose parent company is Telefonica has maintained leadership in the UK mobile market through the use of loyalty deals (Marketing Week, 2009, p. 1). This is through alluring advertisements which are designed to depict the company’s brand as the most authentic and reliable within UK’s telecommunication sector. Technological, political, economic, legal, environmental, social and cultural changes have played a role in influencing the direction of the mobile business in the UK. O2 Mobile is no exception in the effects of the changing market forces especially for its branding and marketing strategy. According to Marketing Week (2009, p. 1), the marketing strategies used by O2 have received criticisms and assertions that the company has maintained old fashioned approaches of ma rketing its products. For example the company delayed in adopting 3G and 4G services like its business rivals because it considered them costly. Regardless of this, the company has been able to capture more than 24 million customers within the UK mobile market (Marketing Week, 2009, p. 1). This has led to annual turnover of more than 5 billion pounds from the company’s operations in the UK. However Marketing Week (2007, p. 10) reports that the changes in information and telecommunication industry are likely to catch up with O2’s branding and marketing strategies and make them less effective within the dynamic market. It is in this regard that the effectiveness of O2’
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The difference between management and leadership
The difference between management and leadership Management and leadership are critical elements in the ongoing success of any business. Yet, there has been, and continues to be, a long standing debate over whether good management or good leadership is more important and holds more value to a companys success. Each of these topics have been both written about, and discussed, heavily over the years and drawn countless opinions from both sides about each ones importance Some believe that management holds greater importance because of its reliability and stability, and tends to deal the daily results and performance while others believe that leadership is most critical because it is believed to deal with higher thinking and creativity relying on an individuals character traits, does not appear to be teachable, seems to be inherent in some people and not others, and is responsible for setting direction and laying out the pathway that a business will follow. In the opinion of this writer trying to set one above the other is a flawed approach and that those who hold these ideas have yet to come to the realization that management and leadership are two sides of the same coin. Without one the other is incomplete, and it is a balance of each of these in varying measures at varying times that will yield success. Both good management and good leadership represent very different traits within people and it is a combination of these traits that is necessary for both individual and company performance. This becomes more evident after carefully examining the arguments for both management and leadership, the different traits and characteristics that managerial and leadership ability possess, and how each contribute to positive outcomes. When these traits are put in the context of a crisis situation it becomes apparent how vital both are to the result. Management has long been considered by many organizations to be the most important aspect of an organization. This is why many organizations find that defined and structured management practices are more useful than leadership because it focuses on the structure of an organization, where as leadership is more focused on social interactions and innovation (the so-called big picture), whose outcomes many times are unknown, thus making them a little instable (Kearsley, 2005). For this reason many managers use innovation not to change how things are done, but to improve the ability of its people and its resources control to improve its efficiency (Elliott, 2002). This becomes useful in the day to day activities placing leadership as a secondary contributor. Still, in a changing society and marketplace where organizations are forced to constantly evolve effective leadership that can develop and communicate a vision becomes a necessity to not only compete, but excel both today and in the f uture. Managements focus has mainly been in administrative duties such as the what and when, where as leadership is more imaginative and emotional, which focuses on the why and how (Kearsley, 2005). The why and how the questions are the ones needed to find innovated new ways of doing things, which will assist them in developing and keeping a competitive advantage. A challenge because even though the outcomes of the innovations of leadership can at times be questionable they are essential to an organization especially when the work environment becomes unstable and innovation can assist an organization adapt. What accentuates the need for leadership even more than maintaining a competitive edge is the fact that it in todays society the hierarchical aspect of organizations have become more intricate and ones superior (manager) has become less defined (Rogers Tierney, 2004). As such, leadership becomes important in the completion of tasks especially with the heavy emphasis placed upon a groups successful performance within an organization today and a leaders ability to form a group into a cohesive unit. Before this hierarchical change there was a specific top down flow to an organization so that only those at the top needed leadership abilities because everyone else followed what they said, so management was more important to the organization. Now that we compete globally this dynamic has changed and control cannot be achieved without having a more flexible approach to management and leadership as a result of the expanding environment they have come to be in. In this way leadership has dev eloped into a more significant and critical aspect relative to that of management because leaders dont control; they influence (Rogers Tierney, 2004, p. 79). This goes beyond the scope of good management. Management is supposed to maintain a set structure within an organization through the use of control. If control has become less attainable, and stifles the flexibility of a company to effectively adapt and innovate then one now needs to be able to exact influence rather than control an organization and must adapt to continue to be a viable enterprise. This represents one reason as to the necessity for both management and leadership in cooperation to yield success. Management sets what must be done and leadership helps them accomplish that despite a lack of direct control. This effectively debunks the argument in favor of management over leadership. But, what about the arguments supporting the value of leadership and its role to the organization? Many hold the idea that leadership is more important to an organization. One argument in favor of this idea is that education. They believe that leadership is inherent and cant be taught. Leadership has been likened to that of a pathfinder. Being innovators they are searching for something never before done and as such they have nothing from which to learn from (Hodgson, 1987, p. 13). Innovation is creativity, you arent taught it you just know it. In a sense this is true, most scholars readily agree that leadership is based upon experience, but many fail to realize that experiences can be taught. When looked at in the form of learning a sport a person can study the rules of a sport and it will help their understanding of the game, but to be truly good at something it is necessary to go out and play (Doh, 2003). So, the key to teaching leadership is to put people in situations where they are forced to lead. But, a person must understand that teaching can only go so far and just becaus e you have been taught something doesnt mean you will be a master at it, nor does it mean that youll successfully administer leadership (Doh, 2003). When dealing with people a leader faces diverse challenges in personality and capability and their ability to be flexible and provide both the direction and opportunity for those under their influence to be successful and feel they are contributing is critical to the success of the endeavor. An example would be that many people have been taught how to play chess, but even though they know how to play doesnt mean they are going to masters (Doh, 2003). Another argument in favor of leadership is that it can be seen a form of social problem solving in that it is necessary in resolving conflict within to help direct it along the path that management has set down to reach an organizations goal making leadership and management necessary for an organization to achieve its goal (DeChurch et al.,2011, p. 153). But this is only half what defines the necessity of both aspect within an organization. It is also necessary to consider the views of time that each aspect takes. That management has its eye always on the bottom line, the leader has his eye on the horizon meaning management focuses on the present and leadership focuses on the future (Kearsley, 2005, p. 265). It is necessary for an organization to have both if it wants to be successful. This can be examined within the firefighter, firelighter debate within the Leadership Debate. This debate explains that management within a project takes the stance of a firefighter with regards to its problems, only facing them when they occur, where as leadership takes the firelighter approach in that they try to anticipate and prevent problems from occurring (Leadership, 2005). When looking at the two one could say the author believes the firelighter is the more desirable approach in by focusing on the future and preventing problems from occurring could increase efficiency and success, but this is only useful so far as problems can be predicted or anticipated, which in a fairly unpredictable world is generally difficult. As such it is necessary to also hold not only the leadership approach, but management approach as well because if a person fails in predicting a problem the management approach is able to account for this failure and more expediently correct the problem. A study done by the British Royal Navy in the effort to find management and leaderships effect on performance showed that leadership characteristics were more emotional in nature while managements were more im personal and focused on order and consistency to complex operations, but neither alone brought about top performers, but a blend of both were necessary for the success in an increasingly complex and volatile business environment (Young Dulewicz, 2008, p. 28). From this study it can be extrapolated that managerial and leadership approaches are counterpoints within a business. This becomes apparent when looking at organizations within a time of crisis. When examining an organization in a time of crisis one must focus on the managerial aspect, which are the operations and contingency plans, as well as the leading aspect which focuses more on people and emotion. In looking at leadership in a crisis it becomes twofold because many see a crisis as an opportunity to change; as such leadership must first stabilize the organization so they can adapt to the crisis (Heifetz, Grashow Linsky, 2009). This is contrary to the view held by management that a crisis is in fact an emergency and a company needs to make an effort to weather the burdens. In this way leadership becomes a necessity in a crisis due to its ability to cope with social pressures. In a time of crisis when an organization is forced to adapt there are many conflicting emotions within the workers. A leader has the capability to orchestrate the inevitable conflict, chaos, and confusion of change so that the disturbance is productive rather than destructive, which will enable the organization to work as a cohesive unit to further their goals (Heifetz, et al., 2009, p. 66). This is possible because those who possess leadership capabilities tend to possess emotional intelligence, which enables them to understand their own emotions and control them. As a result they can better empathize with others members of the organization (Young Dulewicz, 2008, p. 26). This helps gain loyalty and trust towards a leader, improving their ability to work towards a common goal. Despite the necessity for leadership during a crisis management is just as important as change being an adaptation of an organizations original practices rather than a complete overhaul of their practices (Heifetz, et al., 2009). A good example of this is when Best Buy changed its strategy to one established in store boutiques to better capture the female buyers interest rather than solely focusing on the male buyer in an effort to avoid a looming crisis (Heifetz, et al., 2009). They were effective beca use despite a drastic change the majority of the overall business scheme was left intact and the manager who put this ups the ability to effectively convince others that it was necessary and gains their support to follow through. However, not all change occurs in time to prevent a crisis. In such instances an organized plan, which is constantly monitored for flaws, is necessary to ensure transitional ease throughout this period of adaptation. This is the idea of a contingency plan; which can only be successful through the application of skilled management. Contingency plans are necessary during a crisis because that occasion is usually characterized by complexity and dynamism (Elliott, 2002, p. 146). This complexity makes it difficult to enact change unless an organization has made preparation in case of troubles to lessen the affect felt by the crisis and to support these changes throughout the crisis. This explains the necessity for a systematic approach for dealing with real crises so that the organization continues to function normally in most of its operations (Keefe Darling, 2005, p. 49). In order to achieve this goal it is necessary to have administrative skills, which can only exist within good management skills. Also due to necessity of a flexible nature of a contingency plan they must be constantly updated to account for a changing environment (Mitome, Speere Swift, 2001). This requires someone to constantly monitor the plan to ensure it is up to date and / or make effective changes and adaptations to the plan as required a nd communicate them to the organization without interfering in daily operational activities. As has already been stated leadership is useful for social interaction and decisiveness, through the use of innovation. As such it is lacking in the necessary qualities to set up and maintain a contingency plan. However contingency plans are not solely managerial functions. Two problems found within an organizations contingency plan require the additional support of leadership abilities in order to fix. The first was because the chaotic environment and unpredictability of a crisis made it very difficult to build a contingency plan that could cover every eventuality. Resulting in necessity to keep the plan flexible so that it is possible, no matter the situation, a plan could be adapted to suit whatever need (Mitome et al., 2001). This flexibility makes leadership necessary so that in the case of crisis the organization can be decisive in its adjustments, thus decreasing the time of adaptation. As has already been stated leaders are pathfinders (Hodgson, 1987, p. 13). So during a time of crisis when things are unknown it is up to a leader to see the solutions and managers to follow that solution they are give. This would hopefully enable an organization to return to normal business practices in a timely manner. The other problem is in how contingency plans are used during a time of crisis. It is common for organization to use small teams to find a solution for their problem because, generally, they outperform individuals (Elliott, 2002, p. 148). This makes it necessary to have a leader who can unify the team to a common goal and improve the coherence of team members to quicken the development of a solution. Without a leader to coalesce the efforts of management in a directed problem solving approach any answer might be delayed and result in a sub-optimal conclusion. It becomes quite apparent the necessity for both leadership and management are necessary within a crisis situation because they must develop next practices while excelling at todays best practices (Heifetz, et al., 2009, p.65). In other words management is important because it can help prepare for crisis helping to minimize the damage it causes and through the continuation of normal practices so that the organization still has the ability to develop next generation practices. The importance of management and leadership in a time of crisis can be seen by the failure in relief distribution in the aftermath of the Haiti Earthquake which resulted because of the lack of a contingency plan that took into account the conflicts that could arise between various authorities and agencies and determine ways to prevent them. This still might have been prevented, but if not for the lack of leadership within the organization which failed to come to an agreement (Piotrowski, 2010). This shows that b oth a strong contingency plan and leadership abilities is needed because if the contingency plan is strong everything is planned and little can go wrong, but in the case that it fails leadership can minimize the damage. It has become clear of the necessity for both management and leadership. The comparison between a leader being a pathfinder and management being a path follower is in part true (Hodgson, 1987). But managements do not merely follow a path they reinforce it and improve its foundation enabling leadership to continue to grow. Their relationship is similar to that of a building. Leadership goes up, while management builds within. If a company was devoid of effective leadership it may not be able to maintain a competitive position within the market place through the effective identification and development of plans, strategies, tactics and business acumen to target positive results. And, without effective management a leaders vision, ideas, and direction may not be sustainable which might limit a businesses long term competitive position and success. The reason being that leadership is within focus of people while management is the focus administrative duties. An organization needs both le adership and management to be effective just like Yin and Yang to provide balance to the ongoing performance within an organization. While leadership provides vision, resources, and communication management provides execution identifies challenges and opportunities and communicates both throughout the company, and back-up to the leaders who can in fact adapt plans and direction continuously for success.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Dangerous Liaisons: Present and Past Essay -- Dangerous Liaisons Essay
Dangerous Liaisons: Present and Past     Halfway through viewing Dangerous Liaisons, a remarkable contrast as well as a huge parallel came to mind. The film's principal characters' treatment of their promiscuity was quite different from what we see today. They were quite covert about their sexual relations, and often concocted cunning plans to assure the secrecy of their activities. Today we find quite the opposite taking place on our news programs and talk shows. It seems to me that the cause of this whole difference in treatment of sexuality is due to the advent of mass media. That pre-Revolutionary French society was not completely different from today, however. Like our treatment of the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal, the common people of the late 18th century French society were quick to ridicule the Marquise for her promiscuity revealed. We, as a society, are still just as quick to gossip over someone else's sins while being guilty of the same. It is simply a conditi on of being human. In short, the story set forth in the film Dangerous Liaisons shows both a striking contrast, due to technology, and a very remarkable parallel, due to a double standard brought on by the human condition, between the way sexual relations and promiscuity were viewed in the late 18th century and how we view them today at the close of the 20th.       The importance of stealth in promiscuous relations to the French aristocracy pervades the entire film. We see throughout the film that the Marquise is quite fond of entertaining guests in her domicile, which is flanked by a wall of mirrors. Early in the film we learn that there is another set of rooms entirely behind the wall, her "private" bedchambers. It... ... French revolution. Most of us really don't care if the rest of the world thinks, or even knows for sure if, we are carrying on promiscuous lives. Sex is just another daily event. It is pop culture thanks to mass media. Our cunning Valmont would probably be very bored today, for his sexual conquests would just be too easy for him. The Marquise would probably be having sex on the other side of the mirrors. However, when the truth about them is known for certain, I bet we would treat them just as badly as we are treating the leader of the free world. Our society is quick to judge, even when we could easily be judged for the same offenses. We are humans after all.   WORKS CITED Heinein, Maryam. "Couple plan to lose virginity online" Los Angeles, CA Channel 4  News Home Page. 16 July 1998. <>
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Media’s Effect on Women’s Body Image
The Media's Effect on Women's Body Image September 1, 2010 While women have made significant strides in the past decades, the culture at large continues to place a great emphasis on how women look. These beauty standards, largely proliferated through the media, have drastic impacts on young women and their body images. Arielle Cutler ’11, through a Levitt grant, spent the summer evaluating the efficacy of media literacy programs as a remedy to this vicious cycle. Put simply, the beauty ideal in American culture is: thin. Large populations of ‘average’ girls do not demonstrate clinically diagnosable eating disordersâ€â€pathologies that the culture marks as extreme and unhealthyâ€â€but rather an entirely normative obsession with body shape and size,†Cutler said. â€Å"This ongoing concern is accepted as a completely normal and even inevitable part of being a modern girl. I think we need to change that. †Anyone who is familiar with American cul ture knows that many of these cultural standards are established in the media. â€Å"We are constantly surrounded by all sorts of media and we construct our identities in part through media images we see,†Cutler remarked.And the more girls are exposed to thin-ideal kinds of media, the more they are dissatisfied with their bodies and with themselves overall. The correlation between media image and body image has been proven; in one study, among European American and African American girls ages 7 – 12, greater overall television exposure predicted both a thinner ideal adult body shape and a higher level of disordered eating one year later. Adolescent girls are the most strongly affected demographic; â€Å"More and more 12-year-old girls are going on diets because they believe what you weigh determines your worth,†Cutler observed. When all you see is a body type that only two percent of the population has, it’s difficult to remember what’s real and what’s reasonable to expect of yourself and everyone else. †As women have become increasingly aware of the effect of media on their body images, they have started media literacy programs to make women and girls more aware of the messages they are inadvertently consuming. â€Å"Media literacy programs promote an understanding of the effect media has on individual consumers and society at large.These programs aim to reveal the ideologies and messages embedded in the media images that we encounter on a daily basis,†Cutler said. Advertising, she asserts, draws on people’s insecurities to convince them to buy a product, and few populations are as insecure overall as adolescent girlsâ€â€which is why media literacy programs are so important for them. In programs such as that designed by national organization Girls, Inc. , girls learn how to look behind the scenes and messages that advertisements are producing in order to reconcile their own bodies with the view of â€Å"perfection†presented by the media.The programs already in place have been found to be very effective; â€Å"College-age women have been the main focus, but 10-11 year-old girls are the most important target so that they can have these [critical] processes going on before internalizations of messages have really started,†Cutler explained. But what sorts of standards do the media portray for women who are not white and not upper class, and how does this affect the body images of women in these groups? This question, Cutler has found, is one that is not always well addressed in the scholarly material she has read. I realized at some point in my research that I had been universalizing the experience of a particular set of girls privileged by their race and, even more so, socioeconomic background. It did not help that this blind-spot was reflected back to me in some of my research,†Cutler said. While she asserts that certain standards of beauty are un iversal throughout the country and across all demographics, Cutler believes that media literacy programs should take racial and socioeconomic backgrounds more into consideration.Different groups have different issues and concerns, she said. For example, overeating is a real issue as an eating disorder, especially for lower-class women. How does this fact change the women’s relationship to the beauty ideal? Cutler is reading studies about the body image problem among women in the U. S. as well as evaluations of media literacy programs. She recommends greater sensitivity to the concerns of non-white, non-upper-class groups in order to increase the effectiveness of media literacy programs.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
10 Tenets of MOT and the IT Organization Essay
A tenet is a principle based on observation, intuition, experience, and in some cases, empirical analysis. Based on a study presented in the Handbook of Technology Management by Gerard Gaynor, Ten tenets are proposed as guiding principles for an organization to operate within a technology cycle framework. These are: 1. Value diversification is a poor substitute for MOT. 2. Manufacturability must keep pace with inventiveness and marketability. 3. Quality and total productivity are inseparable concepts in managing technology. 4. It is management’s responsibility to bring about technological change and job security for long term competitiveness. 5. Technology must be the ‘servant’ not the ‘master’; the master is still the human being. 6. The consequences of technology selection can be more serious than expected because of systematic effects. 7. Continuous education and training in a constantly changing workplace is a necessity, not a luxury. 8. Technology gradient is a dynamic component of the technology management process, to be monitored for strategic advantage. 9. The RTC factor must be carefully analyzed and meticulously monitored for gaining the most out of any technology, particularly a new one. 10. Information linkage must keep pace with technology grow th. See more: The Issues Concerning Identity Theft Essay In the case of an IT Organization, the essence of the management several factors of technology are realized based on the above specified MOT principles. The following may be derived: †¢ Importance of Core Technologies and Core Competencies. Analysis of the competencies and technological capability of an IT Organization will provide information on the inherent competitive ability of the organization, or the absence of such. This is a step towards active management of technology. †¢ Inventiveness versus Market Drive. For an IT Organization, this translates to building an output-driven innovative culture versus customizing products and processes based on Market-demand. †¢ Total Quality Management. Quality Assurance and Quality Control procedures are essential to monitor processes and the process improvement practice within an organization. †¢ Initiation and Management of Technological Change. Conscious effort to improve current technology should e a consistent activity in an IT Organization. This may be a result of observed updates in the industry or an internal effort to innovate and update according to changing business needs. †¢ Security for Competitiveness. As an industry with established processes, functions and professional track, job security through skills-based retention and promotion should be encouraged. This will invite constructive competitiveness and improve the industryà ¢â‚¬â„¢s workforce. †¢ Technology is the medium and the tool, it is not the solution. The main product for an organization that offers Information Technology as a service is the solution. The technology is the enabler, while the process is the company-specific activity that adds value to the solution. †¢ Organizational Systems and the Effect of Technology. The effect of information technology to the organization encompasses structures and organization systems. As processes and needs are updated, technologies or the manner that it is implemented should be revised complementarily. The reverse does not always follow. The Essence of Training and Education in an IT Organization. With the Human Resource as the main and sole source value and new service introduction, investment in further education is essential to an IT Organization. Technology managemet assessment: TA is the study and evaluation of new technologies. It is based on the conviction that new developments within, and discoveries by, t he scientific community are relevant for the world at large rather than just for the scientific experts themselves, and that technological progress can never be free of ethical implications. Also, technology assessment recognizes the fact that scientists normally are not trained ethicists themselves and accordingly ought to be very careful when passing ethical judgement on their own, or their colleagues, new findings, projects, or work in progress. Technology assessment assumes a global perspective and is future-oriented, not anti-technological. TA considers its task as interdisciplinary approach to solving already existing problems and preventing potential damage caused by the uncritical application and the commercialization of new technologies. Therefore any results of technology assessment studies must be published, and particular consideration must be given to communication with political decision-makers. An important problem, TA has to deal with it, is the so-called Collingridge dilemma: on the one hand, impacts of new technologies cannot be easily predicted until the technology is extensively developed and widely used; on the other hand, control or change of a technology is difficult as soon as it is widely used. Some of the major fields of TA are: information technology, hydrogen technologies, nuclear technology, molecular nanotechnology, pharmacology, organ transplants, gene technology, artificial intelligence, the Internet and many more. Health technology assessment is related, but profoundly different, despite the similarity in the name. Forms and concepts of technology assessment The following types of concepts of TA are those that are most visible and practiced. There are, however, a number of further TA forms that are only proposed as concepts in the literature or are the label used by a particular TA institution. 2] †¢ Parliamentary TA (PTA): TA activities of various kinds whose addressee is a parliament. PTA may be performed directly by members of those parliaments (e. g. in France and Finland) or on their behalf by related TA institutions (such as in the UK, in Germany and Denmark) or by organisations not directly linked to a Parliament (such as in the Netherlands and Switzerland). [3] †¢ Expert TA (often also referred to as the classical TA or traditional TA concept): TA activities carried out by (a team of) TA and technical experts. Input from stakeholders and other actors is included only via written statements, documents and interviews, but not as in participatory TA. †¢ Participatory TA (pTA): TA activities which actively, systematically and methodologically involve various kinds of social actors as assessors and discussants, such as different kinds of civil society organisations, representatives of the state systems, but characteristically also individual stakeholders and citizens (lay persons), technical scientists and technical experts. Standard pTA methods include consensus conferences, focus groups, scenario workshops etc. [4] Sometimes pTA is further divided into expert-stakeholder pTA and public pTA (including lay persons). [5] †¢ Constructive TA (CTA): This concept of TA, developed in the Netherlands, but also applied and discussed elsewhere[6] attempts to broaden the design of new technology through feedback of TA activities into the actual construction of technology. Contrary to other forms of TA, CTA is not directed toward influencing regulatory practices by assessing the impacts of technology. Instead, CTA wants to address social issues around technology by influencing design practices. †¢ Discursive TA or Argumentative TA: This type of TA wants to deepen the political and normative debate about science, technology and society. It is inspired by ethics, policy discourse analysis and the sociology of expectations in science and technology. This mode of TA aims to clarify and bring under public and political scrutiny the normative assumptions and visions that drive the actors who are socially shaping science and technology. Accordingly, argumentative TA not only addresses the side effects of technological change, but deals with both broader impacts of science and technology and the fundamental normative question of why developing a certain technology is legitimate and desirable. [7] †¢ Health TA (HTA): A specialised type of expert TA informing policy makers about efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness issues of pharmaceuticals and medical treatments, see health technology assessment.
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